writing service on Entrepreneurship and Venture Creation essay paper
Module synopsis
Welcome to the Entrepreneurship and Venture Creation module.
In the second semester this knowledge is put to the test in a practical examination of a business idea. The unit examines modern day success stories of contemporary businesses and traces their origins and reasons for successful accomplishments. It will also reflect the entrepreneurial learning process which informs how entrepreneurs learn from previous mistakes. The unit also offers a generic examination of the principles of entrepreneurship and entrepreneurial activity, within a variety of settings of SMEs and regional and rural settings.
Adopting this route does not confine the participants to the confines of small business and its related activities; it aims to examine the rise in popularity of third sector organisations of which the social entrepreneur plays a large role. It supports the full development of entrepreneurial skills and sensitivities for use in existing organisations, to facilitate the management of change and/or the achievement or organisational goals. In addition, it will prepare the student for involvement in inter-organisational relationships and joint ventures requiring the mobilisation of entrepreneurial skills and knowledge.
Assessment Semester B 14-15
The assessment for semester B is in two parts but still forms one piece of work.
(1)The first element is centred on a 2000 word case study of (carrefour market or coca cola), in which they need to apply, evaluate, and justify key entrepreneurial theory gained in semester A, in order to aid and add academic rigor to their study. The theories need to be applied within their respective contexts, in order to show how the business and owner/founder can be termed entrepreneurial. Finally, you need to identify if the business could be more entrepreneurial in its outlook or trading habits/style. Again, you need to justify any recommendations you suggest and state how this would alter or change the business, its market or any other element of its trading in any way.
OUTINE FOR (carrefour or coca cola chose one )market case study :
INTRO (500)
- Name of company and its owner / founder
- Background about the company
- Criticaly analys the business and relate that to theory
- Start to say what was it as an initial business idea
- When its started
- How it started
- How enterprenurial were they whrn they started ?
- What was the different sectors (was it a ginormous)?
- How its grown ,why its grown ,there is a reason of its grown
- Customer segment
- Where they giving customers what they want ?
- Were they an individual or management team ?
- When was the main period of growth in (what year ) and why was that ,what was attributed to that main growth
- There are an efficient reason driving the company forward etc..
MAIN BODY (1000)
- Show how the business and the owner can be termed entrepreneurial
- Identify if the business could be termed entrepreneurial
- What the company is and whar parts of enterprenural and so you would relate that also to theory
- If sufetionary person has started this business ,how it grew ,how was the segment of the market in relation to those segment
- What part of that were enterprenural
- Is it suffetionary .
- Here talk about you as a consultant ,would you do any different to it if you where in charge ?
- Recommendation you suggest
- State how this would alter or change the business its market or any other element of its trading in anyway
- Where is the future of the company ?
- How is it gona continue to grow
- How is it gona address from its needs and requairments
- No business can stay still they have to change over time .
More instructions :
- So your first part is gona be about the owner and the company
- When did start (date ex:19..)and you are going to that bit of time and see what is the original idea of his concept was ,then you would analys it from that time it began to till this time
- What gave the company the opportunity to start and to success
- When did the company and the owner has been recognised ?
- How entrepreneurial would the owner of the company is ?
- Backgraound about the business what was it at the beginning and start to analyse it DON’T DESCRIBE start with the bet when were it entrepreneurial and the bet when was it Not entrepreneurial
- How it s still enterpriurail today in different ways
- And how it be enterprinural still today in different ways
- What is the thing that was very innovative
- If you recognize what people want you have a market and if not you don’t have a market so does this business have a market ?
- Final bet the give recomindation of how to do well or if it is dowing well say it is dowing well and …
You have to relate the case study with theories here are some examples it will be described more in the ppt that I will attach :
Theorist :
The antecedence of modern entrepreneurship
1755: Cantillon– First to recognise the entrepreneur in economic development. introduced the concept of entrepreneur from “Entreprendre” (ability to take Charge). Risk taker.
1803, 1815: Jean Baptist Say-Pivotal part of the economy and catalyst for economic change.
1871, 1981: Carl Menger– Father of Austrian school, entrepreneurs distinguished between “economic goods” and all others.
1911/1934, 1928 :Schumpeter– equilibrium & disequilibrium in the markets. Opportunity spotting.
1921: Knight– risk-taker
1974: Drucker- entrepreneurial strategies are as important as purposeful innovation & entrepreneurial management. Together, they make up innovation & entrepreneurship.
1975, 1984, 1985: Shapero -Shapero assumes that people are motivated by displacement, which could be either positive or negative. People’s resulting behavior, Shapero posits, will depend on their propensity to act and the relative credibility of alternative behaviors.
1973, 1979, 1997, 1999: Kirzner-opportunity spotter.
1983: Ely and Hess- They envisioned a four-factor model of the firm (i.e., capital, labour, enterprise and the entrepreneur)
Nicolas Baudeu (1730-92):
- ‘The entrepreneur confronts events under his control with his knowledge and ability, when he confronts events beyond his control he places himself at risk.’
Israel Kirzner:
- ‘the entrepreneur is alert to the opportunities that exist already and are waiting to be noticed.’ (1973)
Joseph Schumpeter:
- ‘everyone is an entrepreneur only when he actually carries out new combinations and loses that character as soon as he has built up his business.’
- ‘being an entrepreneur is not a profession and as a rule not a lasting condition.’ (1934)
Stevenson & Jarillo:
- ‘Entrepreneurship is the pursuit of opportunity regardless of the resources controlled’ (1990)
Philip Forrest (National Business Awards):
‘An individual with a unique view of a market opportunity, who has the personal commitment and determination to pursue the opportunity to its commercial realisation’. (2008)
some questions you should take in consideration in the casestudy essay :
- Research (carrefour market or coca cola)
- How does (carrefour market or coca cola) operate?
- What is (carrefour market or coca cola)business model?
- Try to put a case together for the success of the business and say if you would do anything different in the future
- Is his business innovative? If so, state where ?
- What is the history of the business?
(2)The second element is a 3000 business plan, based on a theoretical business idea of your choice. You need to identify a business idea and research the market you wish to enter and state how you intend that your product or service can be successful. You also need to clearly identify your target market, state who they are, and say how you intend to attract them through an effective marketing strategy. You also need to include a realistic financial plan which includes start up costs, break even analysis and profit and loss accounts within it. The plan needs to offer a credible business idea which has a start up capital of between £5-20,000. The idea can be either a manufactured item or a service offered to a specific section of the community. This needs to be clearly stated within the introduction of your plan
It needs to be a credible document and of the standard that would be given to any person wishing to source finance for the venture, bank, venture capitalist etc.
more instructions :
- Some countrys wouldn’t have dates for the whole year in there markets and in my opinion people have to get a have a heather alternative of chocolates for there occasions and I can offer this for them because it is available in may country (Qatar) and with different kinds and flavours
- You can make testers of the dates for people to try when ordering OR make a box that have different selection of dates for a short period of time just to let people order it and try it with a minimum cost
- Make special offer to target people who orders from the website
- Make a survey for the market research or take a secondary research survey from a trusted website ex:
Who many tones of dates are imported to the Uk, WHAT TYPE OF DATES ARE IMPORTED ?
- You should educate the new market with a new type which is good because you are differentiating
- You got to proof what makes you understand that you have a market
- What balance do you have for your business and what funding’s for social media do you have (family fundings ,friend ,own ,loan etc..)
- Good effective enterabtive website
- How could you get your website up there and quiker the other people ?
- Search for optimisation search for a keywords and analysing how many hits you like
- You have to convence people and tutor with your work and that your business is real
- Costs of website and make a mock picture of your website ,salarys of your employess ,number of your employess
- Target markets ,sectors ,how big they are
- How you are going to attract people to your business
- You are going to educate them by giving them different tester of dates to try?
- how to make people buy again and again ?
- why are you going to be the best date seller in the market ?
- what is your target market
- how you do it effectively
- how you are going to sale this (specific ) amount of dates you have to tell and convence the reader
- how many people you will hire
- what difrentiate your business
- cost of manufacturing if there is
- for the business plan question I will be attaching a previous work that may help with the business plan it is different then our question for this year but it has some similarity please do not copy write but try to understand the idea and just to show you how to plane your business !!!
- and here Im attaching my sample plan that I have made for this business plan question which I choose it to be sailing dates online and internationally by website I created (bestDates.com)
The Arabian Peninsula has been growing a wide variety of food, in particular dates, for centuries (Islamic gardens, n.d.). Dates are traditional and natural food of Arabs, who prefer eating them half ripe so to enjoy the different sweetnesses and textures of these fruits. The Agriculture and Research Department at the Ministry of Environment has even implemented action plans that would allow increasing the production of dates (Qatar to develop its own brand of dates, 2014). Since Qatar Foundation have launched date research in order to improve the verities of dates and stimulate for advanced technology that would increase the date production in the region, businesses can apply this idea in creating ventures in delivering dates as to the local individuals as offering dates to other nations (Qatar to develop its own brand of dates, 2014). In the present time, such stores as Lulu and supermarket chain Carrefour offer dates to Doha dwellers and tourists.
The newly formed venture, an online shop “Best Dates from Qatar” based in Doha, Qatar would create new opportunities to purchase the best quality dates through Internet for simple buyers and businessmen in Qatar, Bahrain and European countries, Poland, Germany and UK. The shop will answer to an increasing demand for dates in these countries.
Mission and vision of Just Best Dates
The success of Best Dates from Qatar depends on personal customer-centric attitude of each employee that enables each customer to find the best quality product at the lowest possible price. These are the core values of the company, by which it will capture its all stakeholders (Collins & Porras, 1996). Best Dates from Qatar will offer Khudri, Sagai, Safawi are Ajwa Al Madinah dates, chocolate covered and stuffed dates, and also gift baskets with a variety of different dates (Varieties of Dates, 2011).
Shipping and delivery
From dark brown color and moderately sweet and nice date flavor (Khudri, Sagai, Safawi dates) to almost black and very soft and almost melted (Ajwa Al Madinah dates), the Best Dates from Qatar online shop will implement the policy of in-time delivery of its products with the displayed on the website the shipping charges. Since the company plans to establish ties with European countries, the shipping to UK, Germany and Poland will be available. The languages of the website available in Arab, English, German and Polish will assist potential customers to figure out the sort of product they need and feel themselves comfortable while ordering products at Best Dates from Qatar.
Promoting online shop through social media accounts
Best Dates from Qatar strives to become a deeply trusted company with loyal consumers all around the operating countries. Hence, as a part of its strategy, Best Dates from Qatar will promote itself through local television, radio and through social networks attracting potential customers with loyalty programs and special offers. Moreover, the constant renewal of website content and social media pages will allow Best Dates from Qatar to be updated and its users to see the fresh offers (McNicholas, 2011).
The market
With the opportunity of being the well-established online store in Qatar, Best Dates from Qatar, however, should think over exploring the markets in Europe. While offering products in Best Dates from Qatar online shop, the company should emphasize the fact that it sells not just products from Qatar, but gives the audience an opportunity to taste the best of Eastern traditional fruits, dates. Besides, the popularity and novelty of products from the East, combined with the growing interest in the Internet will prove Best Dates from Qatar to have the winning concept in its markets. According to Liu (2003), European countries are the key players for date exporters and the prices for dates are comparatively higher than in other parts of the world. Hence, that opens favorable opportunities for Best Dates from Qatar online shop.
Collins, J. and Porras, J., 1996. Building your company’s vision, Harvard Business Review, [online] Available at: <https://hbr.org/1996/09/building-your-companys-vision>[Assessed on February 25, 2015].
Islamic gardens, n.d. Catnaps, [online] Available at: <http://catnaps.org/islamic/islagard.html>[Assessed on February 25, 2015].
Liu, P., 2003. The marketing potential of date palm fruits in the European market, FAO Commodity and trade policy research working paper, No. 6, [pdf] Availale at: < ftp://ftp.fao.org/docrep/fao/006/j1851e/j1851e00.pdf>[Assessed on February 25, 2015].>
McNicholas, K., 2011. How to use social media to promote your small business, The Forbes, [online] Available at: <http://www.forbes.com/sites/kymmcnicholas/2011/09/19/how-to-use-social-media-to-promote-your-small-business/> [Assessed on February 25, 2015].
Qatar to develop its own brand of dates, 2014. [online] Available at: <http://www.qatarliving.com/forum/qatari-culture/posts/qatar-develop-its-own-brand-dates> [Assessed on February 25, 2015].
Sahlman, W., 1997. How to write a great business plan, Harvard Business Review, [online] Available at: <https://hbr.org/1997/07/how-to-write-a-great-business-plan> [Assessed on February 25, 2015].
Teachout, E., 2013. Finding the Perfect Target Audience for Your Online Store, The Volusion, [online] Available at: < http://onlinebusiness.volusion.com/articles/find-online-target-audience/>[Assessed on February 25, 2015].
Varieties of Dates, 2011. [online] Available at: <http://qatarskeptic.blogspot.com/2011/07/varieties-of-dates.html>[Assessed on February 25, 2015].
Several questions need to be considerd for business plan essay:
- What makes a good business idea?
- What areas do I need to consider?
- What are my strengths?
- What areas do I need to consider in relation to the business idea?
- Is my idea a good idea?
- WHERE GOOD IDEAS COME FROM by Steven Johnson – YouTube
- How to build and keep growing an entrepreneurial business
- How can social aspects and big business work together
- How to use the internet effectively when starting a business
- How can the internet affect your business?
- How do you evaluate a business idea in relation to:
- your skills
- your interests
- the market you wish to enter
- What Makes James an ‘Entrepreneur’? Argue your case academically
- Where do you see future growth of the business?
- If you recognize what people want you have a market and if not you don’t have a market so does your business have a market ?
- Finally please don’t describe and critically analys and back every thing with a refrence
- Please add use all of the paper attached and refrence them in both of the essays
- There are financial plan power point and sample profit and loss statement to help with the previous work of a slightly simler work to help
- Please use academic journals and books , google scholar
- use this book and add it as a refrence :
- Entrepreneurship and small firms – Deakins, David, Freel, Mark S. c2012
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