write write
write write
1.Understanding your learning style is an important part of understanding who you are as a student. In this assignment, you will determine which study strategies best suit your learning style, which is very useful. You should also consider the space and arrangements you have made to study, your “learning environment.” For this assignment do the following:
Review your results from your SmarterMeasure Assessment that you took in Module 1. visual and social Then, identify at least three study strategies that were presented in your readings and online lectures in Module 3. Explain how each study strategy would work for you (or not) based on your learning style. Consider your current learning environment as well; this includes your study space, where and when you will study, and your surroundings as you study. Do your skills fit with your current environment? Do you need to modify your approach to studying, or modify your studying environment? Explain. Summarize your review in a two-page paper in Microsoft Word and name your file Lastname_FirstInitial_M3_A2.doc.
2.This assignment consists of two parts. Complete both parts.
Part 1
Refer to the Finding a Note-Taking Technique media piece on the “Note Taking” page in Module 4 and review the explanation of Cornell Notes.
Download and review the blank Cornell Notes template.
Use the blank note-taking sheet to summarize the main points from Dr. King’s speech as you read it. Focus on the message that Dr. King was trying to communicate to the audience that day. Be sure you complete all the sections of the template, including those for connections, questions, and summary. For reference, use the note-taking example.
Part 2
Using your notes as a resource, write a summary of the speech at the bottom of the Cornell note-taking form. Be sure to:
Create a systematic summary that captures all of the main points of the speech, as well as the various pieces of evidence Dr. King used to support these main ideas. Paraphrase where necessary. In addition to the summary, reflect on the note-taking activity and address the following:
Document what you have learned from the note-taking activity. Describe how you will use note-taking skills in other ways. Submit the filled in note-taking template with the summary and reflection at the bottom as a one- to two-page document. Use the following file naming convention: Lastname_FirstInitial_M4_A2.doc.
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