write a Literature Analysis paper that builds upon the research in one of the fields that we have studied.

write a Literature Analysis paper that builds upon the research in one of the fields that we have studied.

This project will be the culmination of the Topic Identification and Bibliography that you submitted in Module/Week 3. Your paper should be 10–12 pages in length and should incorporate at least 12 scholarly sources, all of which must be cited on the final bibliography page. It is important that you synthesize the information from your research in order to create a well-blended paper. Also, remember that the purpose of this paper is to analyze what the scholastic literature has to say on a particular portion of the criminal justice/criminology field. Organize and format your paper according to APA style. If you need more help understanding how to analyze scholastic literature consult the corresponding section in your APA manual. Include the following elements in your paper: • Title page including a running head • Abstract and key words • Body o Introduction concluding with your thesis statement o Discussion of key terms o How this topic fits within the field of criminal justice/criminology o What conclusions can be drawn from the scholarship on the subject o Application in a real world context • Conclusion (Make sure you reflect back upon your thesis statement and make adjustments as needed.) • Bibliography Review the Literature Analysis Rubric to see how this assignment will be evaluated.


Literature Analysis Rubric


Element Criteria Points Possible Points Earned Instructor Comments
Thesis Sentence (& Introduction) Graduate writing cannot be “A” quality without a thesis statement. The thesis statement provides the destination of the paper. The topic/title of the paper tells you which direction you are heading (N, S, E, or W) and a transition statement tells you the steps you will take to get to the destination. 20
Paper Content ·         Includes all necessary elements from the assignment directions.·         Students provide logical, insightful, and well-documented analysis of the issue or challenge being examined in the criminal justice field.

·         Competing viewpoints are fairly examined, and the implications of societal, ethical, practical and budgetary pressures are competently addressed.

·         Content of paper addresses at a minimum the information provided by the textbook, assigned readings, and Discussion Board exchanges.

·         Applications of the student’s ethical standard are representedin the paper.

Conclusion The conclusion ties itself back to the thesis statement justifying the foundation of the student’s paper/position. 30
References Proper referencing format used along with the proper amount of sources.Ten points will be deducted for every source short of the requirement. 20
Spelling & Grammar & Clarity & Formatting ·         Terminology in the criminal justice field is quite specific.  Spell Check and ensure you have used to proper term before submitting.·         Clarity and grammar errors create confusion in the criminal justice field, be diligent to minimize/eliminate those mistakes.

·         Criminal justice communication demands sentences and paragraphs that are clear and concise.

·         Proper page length – Ten points will be deducted for every page under the required amount.  Pages under three paragraphs will not be counted toward the page requirement.

·         Five points will be deducted for every source improperly cited.

Rubric Attached to the Bottom of your Literature Analysis Paper 20
Total 200


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