Write according to the assignment detail.
Write according to the assignment detail.
1 School of Business Administration University of Houston‐ Victoria MGMT 6369: International Business Strategy Project Instruction Individual Midterm Exam 1. General information: 1.1. AACSB Assessment: This assignment is used to assess student performance for AACSB accreditation. In other words, this assignment is how UHV determines whether you have learned certain skills that UHV would like all graduates to know. 1.2. Academic Honesty: You may include a few short, selected quotes (properly cited with page numbers included) in your report, but each and every sentence you write in this assignment must be crafted by you. This means that you need to seriously avoid copying and pasting from any sources. Your assignment will be checked for originality. 2. Project Description: The purpose of this project is to apply theories, concepts, and tools of strategic management to a real‐world case. The students should conduct a full strategic planning process on the selected company, starting from the company’s vision and mission statement, to the analyses of its external and internal environment, to developing strategic recommendations. 2.1. Your Role: For this assignment, assume that you are a management consultant hired to analyze the company and to give an honest and thorough assessment of the company’s environment and competitive situation. You are required to research the company, and the industry yourself, and to conduct the required analyses requested using the tools, theories, and ideas that you have learned in this class and in the core and elective classes you have completed. 2.2. Company: Nike: www.Nike.com 3. Report Format: All the parts must be typed and double‐spaced using font size 12, Times New Roman, 1 inch margins on all sides, spell‐ and virus‐checked. APA style is required. Please remember to include page numbers. References: You are required to provide appropriate references for all data and for all sources of information that you use in your analyses, and to use the APA format that you learned in MGMT6351. For any source from the ‘web’, you also need to provide an appropriate reference as you would for any other cited reference (author, date, etc.). You also should include the date the URL was accessed and the entire web address to reach the cited materials. Please refer to http://libguides.uhv.edu/content.php?pid=284400&sid=2341410 Writing Center: The Student Success Center provides writing assistance and writing resources to University of Houston‐Victoria students in Victoria, Sugar Land, and Cinco Ranch. Face‐to face or online, the Center staff review class papers and other student writing projects. UHV students may make an appointment for face‐to face tutoring or email documents as attachments through WCOnline available at http://uhv.mywconline.com. The report format accounts for up to 10% of the total grade; therefore, I strongly encourage you take advantage of this free service. 4. Report Structure: The final term project report consists of four parts. The individual project report (Midterm exam) consists of Parts I and II. The team project report (Final exam) consists of the REVISED Parts I and II along with Part III and IV. Please follow the structure in Appendix A and number each section and its subsections. Part I includes an analysis of the general environment, the industry and the assigned firm’s competitors. You are expected to provide a specific definition of the industry and an in‐depth analysis of the industry’s current and future outlook. Your focus in Part I is the external environment. Part II requires you to analyze the assigned firm. Part III is the section where you need to summarize the strategic challenges (issues) from both the general environment and the industry environment (Part I). Rank the strategic issues according to their significance 2 to the firm and subsequently identify two major challenges before you match them with the internal capabilities and resources through SWOT analysis. Part IV is the section of recommendations. 4.1. Executive Summary (1‐2 pages): The executive summary is the first section of a report for your audience to read and the last section you write after completing your report. The executive summary is simply a brief description of a) the purpose and scope of the report, b) major parts of the report and methods and results in each part, and c) the final conclusion. The executive summary may have 4‐5 paragraphs. Each paragraph consists of 3‐5 short sentences. 4.2. PART I: External Environmental Analysis Page limit: 10‐15 pages total, excluding figures or tables, which should be included in the Appendix section, with the exception of the Table 1 (summary of the Five Forces framework) which should be included in the body of the report as indicated below in sub‐section C. A. General Environmental (P.E.S.T) Analysis (2‐4 pages): This section needs to include a complete analysis of the general external environment. You should explicitly analyze how any trend you identify in each of the segments in the external environment may affect the industry. You need to explicitly state the implications. For example, if the industry you are analyzing is personal computers and you see an expanding economy in some emerging economies, but a recession and declining disposable incomes in other economies, your analysis should include how these trends are likely to influence the personal computer industry. Do not discuss specific companies in this section. At the end of this section, you need to identify the industry top two driving forces (DFs). A driving force is an external environment change (e.g. change in a governmental policy or emergence of a new breakthrough technology) which may significantly change the rule of the game in the industry competition. B. Industry Description (2‐3 pages): This section needs to include a complete analysis of Market Size, Market Growth Rate, Industry Trends, etc. This section explains all strategic groups in the industry (Please refer to textbook page 51). C. Five Forces Analysis & Industry Attractiveness (3‐5 pages): You need to identify the top 2‐3 business unites which account for the majority of the overall company sales and apply the 5 forces framework to each of them. This section also includes an analysis of the industry attractiveness based on the collective strength of the five forces. Your analysis should clearly address profitability of the industry for an “average” firm. You are required to provide a table summarizing your findings using the format shown below. Industry attractiveness is defined as its long‐term profit potential of the industry. Summary of Five Forces Analysis Business One Business Two Business Three Now Future Now Future Now Future Buyer Leverage Supplier Leverage Threat of New Entrants Threat of Substitutes Intensity of Rivalry Profit Potential Rating Key: VL = Very Low; L = Low; M = Medium; H = High; VH = Very High; N/A = Not applicable 3 D. Industry Competitors Analysis and Analysis of their Anticipated Strategic Moves (2‐3 pages): This section delves deeply into the specific industry of the assigned firm (as opposed to the general environmental analysis). In this section, the focus is on the competitors, and their Anticipated Strategic Moves. E. Industry Key Success Factors: (1‐2 pages): This section provides an examination of 3‐5 key success factors (KSFs) you identify in the industry. A KFS may be defined as what any firm in the industry must have to survive and grow. 4.3. PART II: Internal Analysis Page limit: 10‐15 pages total, excluding figures or tables which should be included at the Appendix section. A. Organizational Strategy Analysis (4‐6 pages): This section examines the company’s current strategy and its components. For analyzing a company’s current strategy at the business level, Table 2.4 on page 45 of your text is useful. Please use this table as a framework for analyzing the current business strategy for the company. For example, if you think the company is pursuing a cost‐leadership strategy, your analysis should include a rationale based on market segmentation and key functional areas (basis of competitive advantage). This section also includes analyses of mission statement, core values, organizational culture and leadership. B. Financial Analysis (2‐3 pages): Please provide an interpretation of the financial ratios. This section explains completely what the numbers mean in terms of the financial health of the company. C. Value Chain Analysis (4‐6 pages): For the value chain analysis, you may refer to page 67 of the textbook. A complete value chain analysis includes examination of the company and at least ONE of the competitors or industry average statistics so that you can assess the company’s cost competitiveness in relation to its rivals. Be sure to identify major primary and support activities undertaken to deliver value to the customer, and value chain activities that firm does more or less well (or more or less efficiently/cost effectively) than competitors. Your analysis should help you understand the internal cost structures of the firm (vis ‐a‐ its competitors), and the resources and capabilities of the firm. 4 MGMT6369: Midterm Individual Project Report Outline Title page Table of content 1.0. Executive Summary…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 2.0. Company History 2.1. Background…………………………………………………………………………….……………………….………………………… 2.2. Purpose of this study …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. PART I: External Environmental Analysis 3.0. External Analysis 3.1. General Environmental Analysis 3.1.1. Political and Legal Segment ………………………………………………………………………………………. 3.1.2. Economic Segment ……………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3.1.3. Socio‐Cultural and Demographic Segment ………………………………………………..……………… 3.1.4. Technological Segment………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3.1.5. Global Segment …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3.1.6. External Environment Driving Forces …………………………………………………………………………. 3.2. Industry Description (e.g., Market Size, Market Growth Rate, Industry Trends)………………………… 3.3. Five Forces Analysis 3.3.1. Threat of New Entrants…………………………………………………………………………………. 3.3.2. Power of Suppliers ………………………………………………………………………………………… 3.3.3. Power of Buyers……………………………………………………………………………………….……. 3.3.4. Power of substitutes …………………………………………………………………………………..… 3.3.5. Intensity of Rivalry …………………………………………………………………………………………. 3.3.6. Summary of Five Forces Analysis ………………………………………………………..………… 3.4. Industry Competitors Analysis and Analysis of their Anticipated Strategic Moves…………………….. 3.5. Industry Key Success Factors……………………………………………………………………………………………………… PART II: Internal Analysis 4.0. Internal Analysis 4.1. Organizational Strategy Analysis 4.1.1. Corporate Mission…………………………………………………………………………………………..……………… 4.1.2. Products and Services …………………………………………………………………………….………….…………… 4.1.3. Strategy (corporate level & business level) ……………………………………………………………………………………… 4.1.4. Organizational Culture and Core Values…………………………………………………………………………… 4.1.5. Leadership ……………………………………………….………………………………………………..…………………… 4.2. Financial Analysis 4.2.1. Valuation Analysis…………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4.2.2. Growth Analysis………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4.2.3. Profitability Analysis………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4.2.4 Management Efficiency Analysis ……………………………………………………………………………………… 4.2.5. Summary of Financial Analysis……………………………………………………………………………………….… 4.3. Value Chain Analysis 4.3.1. Support Activities Structure (organizational chart, communication system, etc.)………….…… ……… Design, Research and Development (R&D)……………….……………………………………… 4.3.2. Primary Activities Input (tangible and intangible resources) …………………..…………………………………… Operation Processes (e.g. production, logistics, product/service cost structure) Marketing and Customer Service………………………………………………………………………… References………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. ………………………. Appendix
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