Write on all 3 of these topics. Use 450 words per topic

Write on all 3 of these topics. Use 450 words per topic

1.) What are the three types of friendship that Aristotle describes? Which, if any, of these types of friendship are exhibited by the ‘friends’ we have on Facebook? Is the sort of ‘friendship’ we have with others on Facebook a good and genuine kind?
Link to reading: http://adamcureton.campus.utk.edu/moodle/pluginfile.php/11174/mod_resource/content/1/Aristotle%20-%20NE%20-%20Books%208%20and%209.pdf
2.) Describe Peter Singer’s argument against factory farming. If his argument is correct, are we morally required to be vegetarians or are there other reforms we could make, consistent with his argument, that would allow us to continue eating meat?
Link to reading:

Click to access singer%20-%20all%20animals%20are%20equal.pdf

3.) Ronald Reagan once said “If you’ve seen one redwood, you’ve seen them all.” What sort of attitude, according to Hill, is Reagan expressing here and what, according to Hill, is wrong with it? How should we be viewing the value of the natural environment, according Hill? Is he right about that? Why shouldn’t we just pave over natural environments to make parking lots?


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