What’s in a Name of an Ethics Code? DQ 1 week 5 Forncola

What’s in a Name of an Ethics Code? DQ 1 week 5 Forncola

Read Consider: What’s in a Name of an Ethics Code? in Chapter 9,
then answer these following questions from the text: •How does the
title of a company’s ethics document affect your attitude about the
content? Is one title more attractive than another? •What is the
overall message that the title of the code of conduct conveys? Does
it reflect the purpose of the document to provide employee guidance
on expected conduct?

What’s in a Name of an Ethics Code? DQ 1 week 5 Forncola


Propose creative titles for ethics codes for
a pharmaceutical company and a restaurant. (Gonzalez-Padron, 2015).
•Look for two other company ethics documents and share the titles
of their ethics documents (consider your own organization or one
that you are familiar with for this question).Guided Response Be sure to properly attribute your source(s)
when posting your response. Respond to at least two of your
classmates’ posts, allowing enough time for them to respond.

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