What is the duration of recovery in elderly patients with total hip replacements who developed a post operative infection as opposed to those who did not within the first 6 weeks of recovery


Research report: PICO search and appraisal


Length: 2000-2500

Weighting: 50%



Must use a primary (original) sources for this assessment


The question that needs to be reserched for this assessment is

Question: “What is the duration of recovery in elderly patients with total hip replacements who developed a post operative infection as opposed to those who did not within the first 6 weeks of recovery.”

The above question applied to the PICO concept which needs to be used.

P- Elderly patients who underwent a total hip replacement

I- The number of people who developed a post operative infection

C- The number of people who did not develop a post operative infectin

0- duration of recovery

To complete the report you will be required to:

  • Formulate a clinical question from a set of pre-determined topics (done above)
  • Employing the PICO method, refine your clinical question and perform a search of a nursing/health science database. Briefly report your search structure and results.
  • Identify one paper that best answers your PICO question and undertake a structured appraisal of the paper- You will need to source one paper that the whole report can be based off and that answers the above formulated question.
  • Report the process from devising your clinical question through to the findings of your appraisal of the chosen paper. You will need to answer this question

Your report should be structured under headings and include the following:

  • Whether the selected paper describes a clinical problem via a clearly formulated question
  • The study setting and selection of participants, including sample size (comment on the adequacy of the sample)
  • The study design and whether it is appropriate to the question
  • Statement on methods of data collection and whether appropriate
  • Statement on methods of data analysis and whether appropriate
  • Statement on the study validity and any bias
  • Appraise the significance of the results and note any limitations of the data presented. In particular, note whether the data reported allows for determining clinical significance. Comment on measures of significance that could be calculated from the data presented and how this might aid in using the research in practice


This assessment will be submitted through a plagerism detector, so absolutly no plagerism will be tolerated.

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