What difficulties do you think you might experience if you were to work with this person in psychodynamic counselling, and why?

Film: Fully Watch a Film. Lead character of the film to be called the client. Clearly address all the questions below, which are the exact same as the questions in the module guide. Each point my be address. The lecturer wants to see that I can undertake psychodynamic therepy. This module is part of a Postgraduate qualification in Counselling Studies.
Imagine the character from the film attends psychodynamic therapy with you as the therapist. Based on your viewing of the film and your reading of psychoanalytic theory, write a Psychodynamic Case Study with the information (1) to (10) below
Your Psychodynamic Case Study should be 3,500 words and must include the following: 1. Include a title page with your name, module title (Psychodynamic Approaches), name of your case study and patient, date of submission. It should include the words ‘Psychodynamic Case Study’ at the top of the first page.
Name of your patient and the title of the film you have chosen as a case study.
Why you chose this film as a case study? (what did you particularly like/dislike about this film, and what does this tell you about yourself? This section requires you to reflect on yourself and aspects of your personality that you might previously have been unaware of but that your choice of film has made you reflect on) (400 words)
Patient presenting issue and symptom (why has the person come for counselling? what is their presenting issue (conscious) and what might be unconsciously underlying it (the symptom)? This requires you to reflect on why you think the person might say they have come for counselling (the presenting issue), and further what you think might be going on unconsciously (the symptom) (300 words)
Patient history and current situation (what did you learn about the character’s history and current situation from watching the film? Write about the person as if they were your patient rather than a film character. Imagine the film if your patient telling you their story) (400 words)
Summary of psychodynamic approach (this requires you to draw extensively on your reading to give a theoretical overview of the psychodynamic approach and what you consider to be the most important features of it. This requires you to show that you have read widely from the required and recommended reading material, have a firm understanding of the approach, and can support the points you make) (800 words)
If you had to critique one thing about the psychodynamic counselling approach you have chosen, what would it be? (use examples from your reading – this is to show that you recognise that the approach has its limits. Focus on one or two points here and support what you write with examples from your reading) (200 words)
How do you think your use of the psychodynamic approach might help this person? (choose two concepts from the psychodynamic approach and outline, using examples from the film, how you might use the approach to help this person. The concepts must be from among those introduced during the module. This section requires you to introduce the concept, develop your discussion with reference to your reading, and support the point with an appropriate example from the film) (1,000 words)
What difficulties do you think you might experience if you were to work with this person in psychodynamic counselling, and why? (this section is not about the difficulties you think the patient would experience but the difficulties you think you would experience working with this patient, based on how you felt about them when you were watching the film. For example, what did you like or dislike about them and how might that impact on your work with them? did they annoy you? did you have mixed feelings about them? This section is about your countertransference) (400 words)

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