What can you conclude about the effect of procedural justice training on police behaviour?Discuss
Your research aimed to test the effect of procedural justice training on police behaviour. A program that emphasized the importance of voice, neutrality, respect, and trustworthiness in policing actions (consistent with principles of procedural justice) was delivered to a group of police officers. The program’s goals were to increase the level of respect with which officers treat the public. In this study, (dis)respect was operationalised as the number of times officers used force against civilians. You collected data for each officer on how many times they had used force against civilians in the 12-month period prior to the training occurring, and in the 12-month period following the training occurring. Your data are non parametric. Your results are shown below.
Report your results of your analysis.
What can you conclude about the effect of procedural justice training on police behaviour?
What statistical test did you use to reach this conclusion?
incidents_before incidents_after
N Valid 57 57
Missing 0 0
Mean 2.1228 1.7368
Median 2.0000 1.0000
Test Statisticsa
incidents_after – incidents_before
Z -2.103b
Asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) .035
Your study looked at whether perception of crime limits children’s involvement in outdoor physical activities. You collect data on 200 7th-grade students in a school in Texas. Your measures include children’s fear of crime (measured on a 10-point Likert scale) and average time spent engaging in outdoor activity per day (minutes). In addition, you collected measures of sex (dichotomous) and household income, as you thought these factors might influence fear of crime and time spent outside. You would like to control for these variables in your analysis.
What statistical test would you use to test your hypothesis, and why?
Explain which variables you would use in your analysis.
Your research investigates whether prisoners’ levels of anxiety changes (improves or worsens) if they participate in a dog training program. Anxiety levels were measured on a 5-point likert scale (1 = very low levels of depression/anxiety, 5 = very high levels of depression/anxiety). Group 1 consists of prisoners who participated in the dog training program. Group 2 consists of prisoners who did not participate in the program. You have compared the means of Group 1 and Group 2’s levels of anxiety after the program was finished. Your results are below. Your data are parametric.
Group Statistics
N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
anxiety Not attended program 125 4.15 0.80 .072
Attended program 123 3.24 1.10 .099
t df Sig. (2-tailed) Mean Difference
anxiety 7.447 246 .000 .908
Report your results.
What can you conclude about the effect of the dog training program on prisoners’ anxiety?
What statistical test did you use to reach this conclusion?
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