What are you going to need from your Commander and SEA to make this change happen?Discuss

** You are the Operations Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO) at the Component Special Warfare schoolhouse and you have been called into the Commander’s Office along with the Senior Enlisted Advisor (SEA).
The Commander and SEA have pinned the rose on you to be the Project Manager to institute this sweeping change.
They leave you with a warning…”If this program fails, Congress’ next step is to dissolve the SOF components and SOCOM along with the Special Warfare schoolhouses.
All training will then move to the big services as the Special Operations formations will be absorbed under a 3-Star General Commands of their respective services. The only SOF Formation to remain will be JSOC.” This drawdown would effectively cancel all SOF re-enlistment bonuses.
You have your CEP-2 Smart Card with the 17-Step Process.
Looking at this Smart Card and the process, you begin to make a plan…
a.      What are you going to need from your Commander and SEA to make this change happen?
b.      What are the unknowns (questions you need to be answered before you leave the office)?
c.      What do you see as your biggest obstacle to change?
d.      How often will you conduct In Progress Reviews (IPRs) with the Commander or SEA?
e. What do you think is at risk with this process, what are the weak points in your plan?

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