Virtual Diorama Assignment and Discussion

Virtual Diorama Assignment and Discussion


– First, make sure to read Chapter 1: Son & Chapter 12: Father in Andrew Solomon’s book, Far from the Tree. This will help ground your reading of the text in Chapter 4: Down Syndrome.

– For this discussion board, you will create an individual “book report” PowerPoint presentation for chapter 4: Down Syndrome from the book Far From the Tree. The idea is to present the important ideas, themes, stories, or information from the chapter so classmates can learn about your chapter. The assignment is called a virtual diorama because it is reminiscent of the shoebox diorama book reports you many have completed in elementary school.

For the Diorama Assignment:

-You will create a visual representation of Chapter 4: Down Syndrome

-Use the application PowerPoint for the presentation

-Your representation should include written captions to explain the ideas you are depicting

-As a result of viewing your representation, classmates should be able to glean the main ideas or narratives presented in the chapter

-Classmates should be able to view your representation and accompanying captions in 5 minutes or less

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