Use social media in workplace- employment law cheap essay writing service
Indeed, more research questions are popping into my head. I’ve got some research questions regard to social media which I’m interested in:
– To what extent the employees use social media to disclosure of employment confidentiality in the UK.
– Does the use of social networking sites at workplace enhance the productivity?
– The effect of the use of social networking sites in the workplace on job performance.
– What is the benefits and risks of Employees use of Social Media in workplace?
– Should employers prohibit the use of social media in the workplace?
My supervisor concerns about the majority of these titles are about the legal content. She said the titles are very interesting but I think you will struggle to find any or enough legal content to write your dissertation. She added, the piece you write must have some degree of legal issue for you to be able to write critically. Finally, She asked me If I do think from my research to date that these titles throw up any big legal ideas or concerns?. She means,what the legal point that I propose to address?
Indeed, I can’t found anything to identify and answer her question. So, could you give me your opinion or advise about these research questions?, Or could you suggest another interesting topic related to use social media in workplace. Then we will agree about dissertation proposal after get greenlight from supervisor.
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