Unit 5 Individual Project
Unit 5 Individual Project
Details: As an environmentalist, you are very interested in how
economics plays a role in determining how many and what type of
environmental laws are passed. There are many environmental laws
that are determined by economic conditions.
Choose 1 environmental law to research and give a detailed
description of the law including the following:
The date the law was passed
Describe the law; what are the provisions of the law?
Background information: What initiated the law? Why was it
What economic impact was generated by the law? What kinds of costs,
fines, or economic benefits are associated with the law? Provide
economic data to support this.
Do you feel that this particular environmental law has improved the
environment/situation? Why or why not?
This assignment will also be assessed using additional criteria
provided here.
Please submit your assignment.
The following grading rubric will be used for this assignment.
For the Unit 5 IP, a website that may help in selecting an
environmental law:
Environmental and Public Works Compilations
You may also want to use EPA’s site
(http://www.epa.gov/lawsregs/laws/) as they have a list of laws
that they are involved with. There are two that I usually
discourage Environmental Science students from using. They are the
Occupational and Safety Health Act (OSHA) and the Federal Food,
Drug, and Cosmetic Act.
If you choose either of these acts focus on the environmental
aspects associated with them. US Dept of Labor administrates the
former and FDA the latter. So, I do caution you about these two
laws. Section 408 of the Food Safety Act directs EPA to set
pesticide residue tolerances. So, focus on this aspect in order to
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