Tourism Field Trip Report – Alternative Assignment Help Online

This assignment is an alternative to the field trip report and other marks tied to the Squamish field trip. The purpose is to provide a summary of Aboriginal tourism planning in BC, and to analyze the Five Year Aboriginal Cultural Tourism Strategy ( The amount of time that you put into this exercise should be equivalent to the amount of time that the other students spent on the field trip and writing their report, so while I haven’t provided a specific length requirement, I am looking for a significant paper. Keep in mind that this is worth 30% of your grade in the course!



Report Organization


  1. Introduction: Write 1-2 paragraphs introducing First Nations in BC and providing some background including history, culture, and so on. This will be very brief, and you can assume the reader has some knowledge of First Nations. The introduction is primarily to provide context for the paper. In this section, you will also outline the paper’s purpose including a clear thesis statement.


  1. Aboriginal Tourism in BC – Setting the Context: Write a 4-5 paragraph synopsis of the current state of Aboriginal tourism in BC including an outline of key Aboriginal tourism businesses and organizations in the province. Use a variety of sources to gather this information, including the AtBC website, literature available online, use of the academic and non-academic search engines in the library, or any other information that you are able to obtain. Please properly reference all information sources, and avoid putting in too many direct quotations (i.e. summarize in your own words, but provide a reference, APA style).
  2. Summary of the Aboriginal Cultural Tourism Strategy: Provide an overview of the Strategy including some key points from it including:
    1. Three targets for success
    2. Six key five-year strategies
  3. Situation Analysis: Write a description of how Aboriginal tourism planning in BC has evolved over the years. Some questions you should consider answering include, but are definitely not limited to:
    1. When did Aboriginal tourism planning actually begin in BC, and who started the process?
    2. Who are the main stakeholders for Aboriginal tourism planning in BC?
    3. Who actually organizes and runs Aboriginal tourism planning?
    4. What sorts of issues do the people planning for Aboriginal tourism have to deal with? You should try to ask specific questions related to social, cultural, environmental and economic impacts.
    5. How closely has Aboriginal tourism planning in BC followed the tourism planning process as outlined in the TCTT handbook?
    6. What are the Aboriginal community’s value and vision? Recognizing that there are many distinct First Nations cultures in the province, AtBC is a single organization that must reflect diverse values. How well do they do this?
    7. In what ways do Aboriginal people benefit from tourism in BC?
    8. Describe the main types of tourists who partake in Aboriginal cultural tourism.


  1. Analysis & Recommendations: Based on what you have learned throughout this semester:
    1. Analyze the Aboriginal tourism planning process to date – has it been effective? Have they missed any key steps in the planning process?  What have they done well?
    2. Recommendations – Evaluate the six strategies outlined in the five year plan. Are they appropriate? Why or why not? What should AtBC focus on in the future? What can Aboriginal tourism planners do to ensure that future development of the tourism industry in sustainable for First Nations people on social, cultural, environmental & economic levels?


  1. Conclusion: Finish your report with conclusion of your research and findings.


  1. References Cited: Please list all references used for your report in proper APA format.

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