To what extent are social and legal norms around‘harm’and‘consent’shaped by sex, gender, racial and class hierarchies? Critically discuss with reference to both theoretical perspectives and empirical examples

Heidensohn, Frances and Lorraine Gelsthorpe (2007) ‘Gender and crime’ pp 381-421 in M. Maguire, R. Morgan and R. Reiner (eds) Oxford Handbook of Criminology. Oxford: Oxford University
Please Note: The following is not an exhaustive list of further readings, but offers a sample of readings that will help you to read further. You should also make use of the footnotes and bibliographic sources in both core and further readings to develop your understanding of the topics.
Bourgois, Phillipe (1996) `In Search of Masculinity: Violence, Respect and Sexuality among Puerto Rican Crack Dealers in East Harlem’ The British Journal of Criminology 36 (3) 412-427
Brown, Beverly (1986) ‘Women and Crime: The Dark Figures of Criminology’, Economy and Society 15(3): 355-402.
Collier, Richard (1997) ‘After Dunblane: Crime, Corporeality, and the (Hetero)sexing of the Bodies of Men’ Journal of Law and Society 24(2): 177-198.
Collier, Richard (1998) Masculinities, crime and criminology, Sage Publications, London
Connell, R. W. (1995) Masculinities St. Leonards: Allen and Unwin
Connell, R. W. and Messerschmidt, J.W. (2005) ‘Hegemonic Masculinity:
Rethinking the Concept’ Gender and Society, 19(6) 829-859
Daly, K. (1997) ‘Different ways of conceptualising sex/gender in feminist theory and their implications for Criminology’, Theoretical Criminology, 1(1) 25-51
Davies, Margaret (2007) ‘Unity and Diversity in Feminist Legal Theory’, Philosophy Compass 2 (4): 650-664.
Gelsthorpe, L. and Morris, A. (eds) (1990) Feminist Perspectives in Criminology, Buckingham: Open University.
Heidensohn, Frances (2006) Gender and Justice: new concepts and approaches, Willan, Cullumpton.
Heidensohn, Frances (2000) Sexual politics and social control, Open UP, Milton Keynes.
Gender, Sexuality & Criminal Justice 17 Course Handbook 2014/15
Heidensohn, Frances (1996) Women and Crime, Macmillan, Baisingstoke. Howe, Adrian (1994) Punish and Critique: Towards a feminist analysis of
penalty. London, Routledge.
Jefferson, Tony (2002) ‘Subordinating hegemonic masculinity’ Theoretical
Criminology 6 (1): 63-88.
Messerschmidt, James (1997) Crime as Structured Action: Gender, Race, Class, and Crime in the Making. Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications.
Messerschmidt, James (1993) Masculinities and Crime: Critique and Reconceptualization of Theory. Lanham, Md: Rowman and Littlefield.
Naffine, Ngaire (1997) Feminism and Criminology, Cambridge: Polity. Newburn, Tim and Stanko, Elaine (1994) (eds.) Just Boys Doing Business?
Men, Masculinities and Crime London: Routledge.
Polk, Kenneth (1994) When Men Kill: Scenarios of Masculine Violence.
Cambridge University Press: Melbourne.
Smart, Carol (1977) Women, Crime and Criminology. London: Routledge.
Smart, Carol (1989) Feminism and the Power of Law. London: Routledge.
Smart, Carol (1995) Law, Crime and Sexuality: Essays in feminism. Sage: London.
Sparks, Richard (1996) `Masculinity and Heroism in the Hollywood ‘Blockbuster’: The Culture Industry and Contemporary Images of Crime and Law Enforcement’, The British Journal of Criminology 36(3): 348- 360.
Stanko, Elizabeth and Hobdell, Kathy (1993) `Assault on Men: Masculinity and Male Victimization’ The British Journal of Criminology 33(3): 400- 415.
Walklate, Sandra (2004) Gender crime and criminal justice. Willan: Cullompton.
Walker, Garthine (2003) Crime, Gender and Social Order in Early Modern England. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Gender, Sexuality & Criminal Justice 18 Course Handbook 2014/15Crenshaw, Kimberle (1991) ‘Mapping the Margins: Intersectionality, Identity Politics, and Violence against Women of Color’, Stanford Law Review 43 (6): 1241-1299.
Mason, Gail (2002) ‘Different Territory: A Question of Intersectionality?’ pp. 58-77 in The Spectacle of Violence: Homophobia, Gender and Knowledge. London & New York, Routledge.
Williams, Toni (2009) ‘Intersectionality Analysis in the Sentencing of Aboriginal Women in Canada: What Difference Does It Make?’, pp. 79- 104 in E. Grabham, Cooper, D., Krishnadas, J. & Herman, D. (eds), Intersectionality and Beyond: Law, Power and the Politics of Location. Abigndon, Oxon: Routledge-Cavendish.
Further Reading:
Brah, Avtar and Ann Phoenix (2004) ‘Ain’t I a Woman? Revisiting Intersectionality’, Journal of International Women’s Studies 5 (3): 75- 86.
Burgess-Proctor, Amanda (2006) ‘Intersections of Race, Class, Gender, and Crime’, Feminist Criminology 1 (1): 27-47.
Combahee River Collective (1977) ‘Combahee River Collective Statement’. Revolutionary Rumours Press / Party of the Erotic Left.Available online: <> Last Accessed: 1 December 2011.
Crenshaw, Kimberle (1989) ‘Demarginalizing the Intersection of Race and Sex: A Black Feminist Critique of Antidiscrimination Doctrine, Feminist Theory and Antiracist Politics’, University of Chicago Legal Forum 139- 66.
Davis, Kathy (2008) ‘Intersectionality as Buzzword’, Feminist Theory 9 (1): 67- 85.
Erel, Umut, Jin Haritaworn, Encarnación Gutiérrez Rodríguez and Christian Klesse (2008) ‘On the Depoliticisation of Intersectionality Talk: Conceptualising Multple Oppressions in Critical Sexuality Studies’, pp. 203-230 in A. Kuntsman & Miyake, E. (eds), Out of Place: Interrogating Silences in Queerness/Raciality. York, England, Raw Nerve Books.
Grabham, Emily (2006) ‘Taxonomies of Inequality: Lawyers, Maps, and the Challenge of Hybridity’, Social Legal Studies 15 (1): 5-23.
Grabham, E, Cooper, D., Krishnadas, J. & Herman, D. (eds), Intersectionality and Beyond: Law, Power and the Politics of Location. Abigndon, Oxon, Routledge Cavendish.
Harris, Angela P. (1990) ‘Race and Essentialism in Feminist Legal Theory’, Stanford Law Review 42 (3): 581-616.
Gender, Sexuality & Criminal Justice 20 Course Handbook 2014/15
Lamble, Sarah (2008) ‘Retelling Racialized Violence, Remaking White Innocence: The Politics of Interlocking Oppressions in Transgender Day of Remembrance’, Sexuality Research and Social Policy 5 (1): 24- 42.
Lamble, Sarah (2009) ‘Unknowable Bodies, Unthinkable Sexualities: Lesbian and Transgender Legal Invisibility in the Toronto Women’s Bathhouse Raid’, Social & Legal Studies 18 (1): 111-130.
Razack, Sherene and Mary Louise Fellows (1998) ‘The Race to Innocence: Confronting Hierarchical Relations among Women’, The Journal of Gender, Race & Justice 1 (2): 335–352.
Rosenblum, D (1994) ‘Queer Intersectionality and the Failure of Lesbian and Gay ‘Victories”, Law and Sexuality 483-122.
Sokoloff, Natalie (2008) ‘Expanding the Intersectional Paradigm to Better Understand Domestic Violence in Immigrant Communities’, Critical Criminology 16 (4): 229-255.R v Brown [1994] AC 212 [Note: R v Brown is quite a long judgment. If short on time, please read at least the comments of Lord Templeman and Lord Mustill.]
R v Wilson [1997] QB 47
R. v. J.A., 2011 SCC 28
Deckha, Maneesha (2011) ‘Pain as Culture: A Postcolonial Feminist Approach to S/M and Women’s Agency’, Sexualities 14 (2): 129-150.
Two other cases of interest:
McNally v R. [2013] EWCA Crim 1051 (27 June 2013) – Case on disclosure of gender identity / transgender status as related to sexual consent.
D Borough Council v AB (Rev 1) [2011] EWHC 101 (COP) (28 January 2011) – Court of Protection case on decisions regarding intellectual disability / mental capacity as related to sexual consent.
Recommended Reading:
Moran, Leslie J. (1995) ‘Violence and the Law: The Case of Sado- Masochism’, Social & Legal Studies 4 (2): 225-251.
Weait, Matthew and Rosemary Hunter (2010) ‘R V Brown Commentary’, pp. 241-246 in R. Hunter, Mcglynn, C. & Rackley, E. (eds), Feminist Judgements: From Theory to Practice. Oxford, Hart Publishing.**
Mackenzie, Robin (2010) ‘R v Brown Judgment’, pp. 247-254 in R. Hunter, Mcglynn, C. & Rackley, E. (eds), Feminist Judgements: From Theory to Practice. Oxford, Hart Publishing.**
**Note: The two above readings by Weait and Hunter and Mackenzie are from the Feminist Judgments Project, which you may find of interest. The project involves feminists rewriting existing legal judgments to show how the outcomes might have differed using a feminist perspective. See:
Further Background Materials on the Cases:
SpannerTrust Website:
Gender, Sexuality & Criminal Justice 23 Course Handbook 2014/15

LEAF (Canadian Women’s Legal Education and Action Fund) (2011)’No Consent to Sex When A Woman is Unconscious’ Available at: 27JAJudgmentRelease1.html Last accessed 1 August 2014.
Symons, Maryellen (2011) ‘The Supreme Court of Canada on Advance Consent to Unconscious Sexual Activity’ Feminist Legal Analysis 18:1. Available online: sections/2012/PrintHTML.aspx?DocId=47245#article5 Last accessed 1 August 2014.
Marcus, Joseph (2011) ‘R. v J.A.: An Uncomfortable Truth’ Available online: Last accessed 1 August 2014.
Further Reading:
Ardill, S. and O’Sullivan, S. (2005) ‘Upsetting an applecart: difference, desire and lesbian sadomasochism’, Feminist Review, 80(1), pp. 98-126.
Bamforth, N. (1994). ‘Sado-masochism and consent’, Criminal Law Review 661-664.
Chancer, L. (1982) From pornography to sadomasochism: reconciling feminist differences. Pp 79-93 in Linden, R.R. et al (eds) Against sadomasochism: a radical feminist analysis. East Palo Alto, CA: Frog in the Well.
Chancer, L. (1992) Sadomasochism in everyday life. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers University Press.
Conaghan, J. (2002) ‘Law, harm and redress: a feminist perspective. Legal Studies’, 22/3: 319-339.
Hanna, C. (2001) ‘Sex is not a sport: consent and violence in the criminal law’, Boston College Law Review 42: 239-290
Harvard Law Review. (1968) Note: Assault and battery—consent of masochist to beating by sadist is no defense to prosecution for aggravated assault. 81 Harvard Law Review, pp. 1339-1342.
Hoople, T. (1996) ‘Conflicting visions: SM, feminism and the law.’ Canadian Journal of Law and Society 11(1): 177-220.
Moran, Leslie J. (1998) ‘Laskey V the United Kingdom: Learning the Limits of Privacy’, Modern Law Review 61 (1): 77-84.
Superson, A. (2005) Deformed desires and informed desire tests. Hypatia, 20(4):109-126.
Weait, M.J. (1996) ‘Fleshing it out’, pp 160-175 in L. Flynn and L. Bentley (eds) Law and the Senses. London: Pluto Press.
Weait, M.J. (2005) Harm, consent and the limits of privacy. Feminist Legal Studies 13(1): 97-122.MacKinnon, Catherine A. (1989) ‘Sexuality, Pornography, and Method: Pleasure under Patriarchy’ Ethics, Vol. 99, No. 2 (Jan., 1989), pp. 314- 346.
Rubin, Gayle (1993) ‘Thinking Sex: Notes for a Radical Theory of the Politics of Sexuality’, pp. 3-44 in H. Abelove, Barale, M. A. & Halperin, D. M. (eds), The Lesbian and Gay Studies Reader. New York and London.
Gender, Sexuality & Criminal Justice 25 Course Handbook 2014/15
McGlynn, Clare and Erika Rackley (2009) ‘Criminalising Extreme Pornography: A Lost Opportunity’ Criminal Law Review 4: 245-260.
Carline, Anna (2011) ‘Criminal Justice, Extreme Pornography and Prostitution: Protecting Women or Promoting Morality?’, Sexualities 14 (3): 312- 333.
Recommended Reading:
McGlynn, Clare et al (2008) Positions On The Politics Of Porn: A Debate On Government Plans To Criminalise The Possession Of Extreme Pornography Available online: hePoliticsofPorn.pdf Last accessed 1 August 2014.
Home Office / NOMS (2006) Consultation on the Possession of Extreme Pornographic Material: Summary of responses and next steps. Available from: extreme-porn.pdf Last accessed 1 August 2014.
Woodhouse, John (2013) Extreme Pornography (Standard Note) SN/HA/5078. UK Parliament / House of Commons Library. Available from: Last accessed August 2014.
Please also look at one or more of these websites:
Consenting Adult Action Network (CAAN):
Further Reading:
Attwood, Feona and Clarissa Smith (2010) ‘Extreme Concern: Regulating ‘Dangerous Pictures’ in the United Kingdom’, Journal of Law and Society 37 (1): 171-188.
Carse, Alisa L. (1995) ‘Pornography: An Uncivil Liberty?’ Hypatia, Vol. 10, No. 1, pp. 155-182
Catherine Itzin, Ann Taket and Liz Kelly, The Evidence of Harm to Adults Relating to Exposure to Extreme Pornographic Material: a Rapid Evidence Assessment (REA) (Ministry of Justice Research Series 10/07, 2007): blications/research280907.htm
Gender, Sexuality & Criminal Justice 26 Course Handbook 2014/15
Cornell, Drucilla (1995) The Imaginary Domain: Abortion, Pornography and Sexual Harassment. London, Routledge.
Cornell, Drucilla (ed) 2000, Feminism and Pornography, Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Dworkin, Andrea (1981) Pornography: Men Possessing Women, London: The Women’s Press.
Dworkin, Andrea (1985) Keynote Speech at the January 1985 Pornography Awareness Conference, Duke University. Available online (Audio File: 1 hour, mp3):
Ferguson, Frances (1995) ‘Pornography: The Theory’ Critical Inquiry, Vol. 21, No. 3 (Spring, 1995), pp. 670-695
Hill, Judith M. (1987) ‘Pornography and Degradation’ Hypatia, Vol. 2, No. 2 (Summer, 1987), pp. 39-54
Johnson, Paul (2010) ‘Law, Morality and Disgust: The Regulation of ‘extreme Pornography’ in England and Wales’, Social & Legal Studies 19 (2): 147-163.
Kipnis, Laura (1998) Bound and Gagged: Pornography and the Politics of Fantasy in America. Duke University Press Books.
McElroy, Wendy (1995). XXX: A Woman’s Right to Pornography. New York (St. Martin’s Press)
McGlynn, Clare and Rackley, Erica ‘Striking a Balance’ (2007) Criminal Law Review: 677
Murray, Andrew D. (2009) ‘The Reclassification of Extreme Pornographic Images’, Modern Law Review 72 (1): 73-90.
Rodgerson, Gillian and Elizabeth Wilson (1991) Pornography and feminism: the case against censorship. London: Lawrence & Wishart.
Segal, Lynne and Mary McIntosh, Mary (1993) Sex exposed: sexuality and the pornography debate. New Brunswick, N.J. : Rutgers University Press.
Valverde, Mariana (1985) Sex, Power And Pleasure. Toronto: The Women’s Press.
Young, Alison (1998) ‘The Waste Land of the Law, the Wordless Song of the Rape Victim’, Melbourne University Law Review 22: 442-465.
Ellison, Louise and Munro, Vanessa (2009) Of ‘Normal Sex’ and ‘Real Rape’: Exploring The Use of Socio-Sexual Scripts in (Mock) Jury Deliberation, Social & Legal Studies Vol. 18 (3): 291-312
Gender, Sexuality & Criminal Justice 28 Course Handbook 2014/15
Cossins, Anne (2003) ‘Saints, Sluts and Sexual Assault: Rethinking the Relationship between Sex, Race and Gender’, Social & Legal Studies 12 (1): 77-103.
Recommended Reading:
Walklate, Sandra (2008) ‘What is to be Done about Violence Against Women? Gender, violence, cosmopolitanism and the law’, British Journal of Criminology 48(1) 39-54.
Ritchie, B. (2012) Arrested Justice: Black Women, Violence and America’s Prison Nation. New York and London: New York University Press.
Further Reading:
Archard, David (1998) Sexual Consent Boulder, Co.: Westview Press. Brownmiller, Susan (1976) Against Our Will: Men, Women and Rape. London:
Dempsey, Michelle and Jonathan Herring (2007) ‘Why Sexual Penetration
Requires Justification’ Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 27(3): 467–491. Estrich, Susan (1987) Real Rape. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Estrich, Susan (1986) ‘Rape’, Yale Law Journal 95(6): 1087-1184.
Finch, E. and V. Munro (2005) ‘Juror Stereotypes and Blame Attribution in Rape Cases Involving Intoxicants: Findings of a Pilot Study’, British Journal of Criminology 45: 25–38.
Finch, Emily and Vanessa Munro (2006) ‘Breaking Boundaries? Sexual Consent in the Jury Room’, Legal Studies 26(3): 303–20.
Finch, Emily and Vanessa Munro (2007) ‘The Demon Drink and the Demonised Woman: Sociosexual Stereotypes and Responsibility Attribution in Rape Trials Involving Intoxicants’, Social & Legal Studies 16(4): 591–614.
Gotell, Lise (2008) ‘Rethinking Affirmative Consent in Canadian Sexual Assault Law: Neoliberal Sexual Subjects and Risky Women’, Akron Law Review 41 (4): 865-865.
Graham, Ruth (2006) ‘Male Rape and the Careful Construction of the Male Victim’, Social & Legal Studies 15 (2): 187 – 208.
McGlynn, Clare (2009) Rape, Torture & the European Convention on Human Rights International & Comparative Law Quarterly 58(3): 565-595.
McGlynn, Clare ‘Rape as “Torture”: Catharine MacKinnon and Questions of Feminist Strategy’ (2008) Feminist Legal Studies 16: 71.
Phipps, Alison (2009) ‘Rape and Respectability: Ideas About Sexual Violence and Social Class’, Sociology 43 (4): 667-683.
Gender, Sexuality & Criminal Justice 29 Course Handbook 2014/15
Radacic, Ivana (2008) ‘Rape Cases in the Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights: Defining Rape and Determining the Scope of the State’s Obligations’ European Human Rights Law Rev 3: 357-375.
Randall, Melanie (2010) ‘Sexual Assault Law, Credibility and “Ideal Victims”: Consent, Resistance, and Victim Blaiming’, Canadian Journal of Women & the Law 22 (2): 397-433.Davis, Angela (2003) “Chapter 4: How Gender Structures the Prison System,” Are Prisons Obsolete? Toronto, Seven Stories Press, p. 50-83.
Gender, Sexuality & Criminal Justice 31 Course Handbook 2014/15
Essential reading:
Corston, Jean (2007) ‘The Corston Report: A Review of Women with Particular Vulnerabilities Within the Criminal Justice System’. London, UK Home Office. Available online: 2007.pdf Last accessed: 1 August 2014. Note: You do not need to read the entire report in full, but please read through Chapters 1 – 3 and then skim through any other sections that interest you.]
Kendall, K. (2013) Post-release support for women in England and Wales: the big picture. In: Carlton, B. and Segrave, M. (eds.) Women Exiting Prison: Critical Essays on gender, post-release support and survival. London and New York: Routledge, pp.34-55.
Shaylor, Cassandra (2009) ‘Neither Kind Nor Gentle: The Perils of ‘Gender Responsive Justice”, pp. 145- 163 in P. Scraton & McQulloch, J. (eds), The Violence of Incarceration. London & New York, Routledge.
Recommended Reading:
Hannah-Moffat, Kelly (2000) ‘Prisons that Empower’, British Journal of Criminology 40 (3): 510-531.
Hannah-Moffat, Kelly (2008) ʻRe-Imagining Gendered Penalties: The Myth of Gender Responsivity” in Pat Carlen (ed) Imaginary Penalties, UK: Willan.
Prison Reform Trust (2011) Reforming Women’s Justice: Final Report of the Women’s Justice Taskforce. London: Prison Reform Trust. Available online:’s%20 Justice%20Taskforce%20Report.pdf Last accessed 1 August 2014.
Further reading:
Braz, Rose (2006) ‘Kinder, Gentler, Gender Responsive Cages: Prison Expansion Is Not Prison Reform’, Women, Girls & Criminal Justice, October/November 2006: Available online: content/uploads/2009/10/gender_responsive_cages.pdf Last accessed 12 December 2013.
Ben-Moshe, Liat and Chris Chapman and Allison C. Carey (eds) (2014)
Disability Incarcerated: Imprisonment and Disability in the United States and Canada. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Carlen, Pat (1983) Women’s Imprisonment. London
Carlen, Pat (ed) (2002) Women and Punishment. Cullomption, Wilan.
Gender, Sexuality & Criminal Justice 32 Course Handbook 2014/15
Californians United for a Responsible Budget. “How ‘Gender Responsive Prisons’ Harm California’s Women and Children.” (2007) content/uploads/2010/05/curb_report_v5_all_hi_res.pdf Accessed 12 December 2013.
Davis, Angela Y. (2005) “Sexual Coercion, Prisons, and Feminist Responses” in Abolition Democracy: Beyond Prison, Torture and Empire. New York, Seven Stories Press.
Dell, Colleen Anne, Catherine J. Fillmore and Jennifer M. Kilty (2009) ‘Looking Back 10 Years After the Arbour Inquiry: Ideology, Policy, Practice, and the Federal Female Prisoner’, The Prison Journal 89 (3): 286-308.
Hannah-Moffat, Kelly (2001) Punishment in Disguise: Penal Governance and Federal Imprisonment of Women in Canada. Toronto, University of Toronto Press.
Hannah-Moffat, Kelly (2006) ‘Pandora’s Box: Risk/Need and Gender- Responsive Corrections’, Criminology & Public Policy 5 (1): 183-192.
Hayman, Stephanie (2006) Imprisoning Our Sisters: The New Federal Women’s Prisons in Canada. McGill-Queen’s University Press.
Rafter, Nicole Hahn. “Gender, Prisons, and Prison History.” Social Science History 9, no. 3 (1985): 233-47.
Russell, E. and Carlton, B. (2013) Pathways, race and gender responsive reform: Through an abolitionist lens. Theoretical Criminology 17 (4), pp.474-492.
Sudbury, Julia (2005) ‘Celling Black Bodies: Black Women in the Global Prison Industrial Complex’, Feminist Review (80): 162-179.
Sudbury, Julia (ed) (2005) Global Lockdown: Race, Gender, and the Prison Industrial Complex. New York & London, Routledge.
Zedner, L. (1991) Women, Crime and Custody in Victorian England. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Arkles, Gabriel (2009) ‘Safety and Solidarity Across Gender Lines: Rethinking Segregation of Transgender People in Detention’, Temple Political & Civil Rights Law Review 18 (2): 515-560.
Gender, Sexuality & Criminal Justice 34 Course Handbook 2014/15
Kirkup, Kyle (2009) ‘Indocile Bodies: Gender Identity and Strip Searches in Canadian Criminal Law’, Canadian Journal of Law and Society 24 (1): 107-125.
Currah, Paisley and Tara Mulqueen (2011) ‘Securitizing Gender: Identity, Biometrics, and Transgender Bodies at the Airport’, Social Research 78 (2): 557-582.
Recommended Reading:
Sylvia Rivera Law Project (2007) “‘It’s War in Here’: A Report on the Treatment of Transgender and Intersex People in New York State Men’s Prisons.” Available online: Last accessed 1 August 2014. [Note: If you do not have a general background on transgender issues, the appendix of the Sylvia Rivera Law Report may be helpful].
Spade, Dean (2008) ‘Documenting Gender’, Hastings Law Journal 59 (4): 731-822.
Shalev, Sharon (2008) ‘A Sourcebook on Solitary Confinement’. London, LSE Mannheim Centre for Criminology. Available online: Last accessed: 1 August 2014. [Note: This is a lengthy report, but you are encouraged to read the second section on the ‘Health Effects of Solitary Confinement’ as well as any sections that interest you.]
R on the application of AB v Secretary of State for Justice & Governor of HMP Manchester (2009) EWHC 2220 (Admin). Available on the Bailli website: Last accessed: 1 August 2014.
Further reading:
Amnesty International (2006) ‘Stonewalled: Police abuses against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in the USA’. Available online: <>
Ben-Moshe, Liat and Chris Chapman and Allison C. Carey (eds) (2014)
Disability Incarcerated: Imprisonment and Disability in the United States and Canada. Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.
Cowan, Sharon (2005) ‘Gender is no Substitute for Sex: A Comparative Human Rights Analysis of the Legal Regulation of Sexual Identity’ Feminist Legal Studies Vol 13(1): 67-96.
Cowan, Sharon (2009) ‘Looking Back (To)wards the Body: Medicalization and the GRA’ Social and Legal Studies Vol 18(2): 247-252.
Gender, Sexuality & Criminal Justice 35 Course Handbook 2014/15
Currah, Paisley and Lisa Jean Moore (2009) “We Won’t Know Who You Are”: Contesting Sex Designations in New York City Birth Certificates Hypatia Vol 24(3): 113-135.
Harris, Angela P. (2000) ‘Gender, Violence, Race, and Criminal Justice’, Stanford Law Review 52 (4): 777-807.
Hearts on a Wire Collective (2011) ‘This Is a Prison, Glitter Is Not Allowed: Experiences of Trans and Gender Variant People in Pennsylvania’s Prison Systems’. Philadelphia. Available online: Last accessed: 5 December 2013.
Kunzel, Regina (2008) Criminal Intimacy: Prison and the Uneven History of Modern American Sexuality. Chicago and London, University of Chicago Press.
Marksamer, Jody (2008) “And by the Way, Do You Know He Thinks He’s a Girl? The Failures of Law, Policy, and Legal Representation for Transgender Youth in Juvenile Delinquency Courts.” Sexuality Research and Social Policy 5 (1): 72-92.
Mogul, Joey L. (2005) ‘The Dykier, the Butcher, the Better: The State’s Use of Homophobia and Sexism to Execute Women in the United States’, New York City Law Review 8:473-493.
Mogul, Joey L., Andrea J. Ritchie and Kay Whitlock (2011) Queer (in)Justice: The Criminalization of LGBT People in the United States. Boston, Beacon Press.
Ritchie, Beth (2005) “Queering Antiprison Work: African American Lesbians in the Juvenile Justice System” p. 73-85 in Global Lockdown: Race, Gender, and the Prison Industrial Complex, edited by Julia Sudbury. New York: Routledge.
Shalev, Sharon (2009) Supermax: Controlling Risk through Solitary Confinement. Cullompton, Devon, Willan Publishing.
Stanley, Eric A. and Nat Smith (eds) (2011) Captive Genders: Trans Embodiment and the Prison Industrial Complex. Oakland, California, AK Press.
Stop Prisoner Rape, and American Civil Liberties Union (2005). “Still in Danger: The Ongoing Threat of Sexual Violence against Transgender Prisoners.” Available online: Last accessed 12 December 2013.
Tarzwell, Sydney (2006) “The Gender Lines Are Marked with Razor Wire: Addressing State Prison Polices and Practices for the Management of Transgender Prisoners.” Columbia Human Rights Law Rev 36 (1): 167.
Whittle, Stephen, and Paula Stephens (2001) “A Pilot Study of Provision for Transsexual and Transgender People in the Criminal Justice System, and the Information Needs of Probation Officers.” Available online:
Haritaworn, Jin, Tamsila Tauqir and Esra Erdem (2008) ‘Gay Imperialism: Gender and Sexuality Discourse in the ”War on Terror”, pp. 71-95 in A. Kuntsman & Miyake, E. (eds), Out of Place: Interrogating Silences in Queerness/Raciality. York, England, Raw Nerve Books.
Gender, Sexuality & Criminal Justice 37 Course Handbook 2014/15
Puar, Jasbir K. (2005) ‘On Torture: Abu Ghraib’, Radical History Review 93: 13-38.
Long, Scott (2009) ‘Unbearable Witness: How Western Activists (Mis)Recognize Sexuality in Iran’, Contemporary Politics 15(1):119- 136.
Further reading:
Saed, Humaira (2013) Decolonising Sexualities Network Bibliography. Accessed 12 December 2013.
Agathangelou, A. M., M. D. Bassichis, and T. L. Spira. “Intimate Investments: Homonormativity, Global Lockdown, and the Seductions of Empire.” Radical History Review 2008, no. 100 (2008): 120.
Ahmed, Sara (2011) ‘Problematic Proximities: Or Why Critiques of Gay Imperialism Matter’, Feminist Legal Studies 19 (2): 119-132.
Douglas, Stacy, Suhraiya Jivraj and Sarah Lamble (2011) ‘Liabilities of Queer Anti-Racist Critique’, Feminist Legal Studies 19 (2): 107-118.
Falcón, Sylvanna (2006) ‘”National Security” and the Violation of Women: Militarized Border Rape at the US-Mexico Border’, pp. 119-129 in Incite! Women of Color against Violence (ed), Color of Violence: The INCITE! Anthology. Cambridge, Massachusetts, South End Press.
Gordon, Avery F. (2006) ‘Abu Ghraib: Imprisonment and the War on Terror’, Race Class 48 (1): 42-59.
Jivraj, Suhraiya and Anisa De Jong (2011) ‘The Dutch Homo-Emancipation Policy and Its Silencing Effects on Queer Muslims’, Feminist Legal Studies 19 (2): 143-158.
Kapur, Ratna (2002) ‘Un-Veiling Women’s Rights in the ‘War on Terrorism”, Duke Journal of Gender Law & Policy 9: 211-225.
Kuntsman, Adi (2008) ‘The Soldier and the Terrorist: Sexy Nationalism, Queer Violence’, Sexualities 11 (1-2): 142-170.
Nayak, Meghana (2006) ‘Orientalism and “Saving” US state identity after 9/11’, International Feminist Journal of Politics 8 (1): 42 – 61
Puar, Jasbir K. (2007). Terrorist Assemblages: Homonationalism in Queer Times. Durham & London: Duke University Press.
Puar, Jasbir K. and Amit S. Rai (2002) ‘Monster, Terrorist, Fag: The War on Terrorism and the Production of Docile Patriots’, Social Text 20 (3): 117-148.
Razack, Sherene H. (2005) ‘How Is White Supremacy Embodied? Sexualized Racial Violence at Abu Ghraib’, Canadian Journal of Women & the Law 17 (2): 341-363.
Reddy, Chandan (2011) Freedom with Violence: Race, Sexuality, and the Us State. Durham & London, Duke University Press.
Jeffreys, Sheila (2009) ‘Feminists and the global sex industry: Cheerleaders or critics?’ pp 15-27 in S. Jeffreys The Industrial Vagina: The political economy of the global sex trade. Routledge: Abingdon.
O’Connell Davidson, Julia (2006) ‘Will the real sex slave please stand up?’ Feminist Review 83 (1) 4–22.
Anderson, Bridget and Rutvica Andrijasevic (2008) ‘Sex, Slaves and Citizens: The politics of anti-trafficking’, Soundings 40: 135–145.
Bernstein, Elizabeth (2010) ‘Militarized Humanitarianism Meets Carceral Feminism: The Politics of Sex, Rights, and Freedom in Contemporary Antitrafficking Campaigns’ Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 36 (1) 45-71.
Further reading
Agustin, Laura M (2008) Sex at the Margins: Migration, Labour Markets and the Rescue Industry. Zed Books, London.
Anderson, B (2008) ‘Sex, Slaves and Stereotypes’ a review essay Globa Networks 8(3) 367-371.
Aradau, C. (2004) ‘The Perverse politics of four-letter words: risk and pity in the securitization of human trafficking’, Millennium: Journal of International Studies 33 (2) 251-277 .
Aradau, C (2008) Rethinking Trafficking in Women: Politics out of Security (Palgrave, Basingstoke)
Askola, H (2007) Legal Responses to Trafficking in Women for Sexual Exploitation in the European Union. Portland: Hart Publishing.
Barry, K (1984) Female Sexual Slavery. New York: NYU Press.
Gender, Sexuality & Criminal Justice 40 Course Handbook 2014/15
Barry, K (1995) The Prostitution of Sexuality: The Global Exploitation of Women (NUP, New York)
Bernstein, E (2007) Temporarily Yours: Intimacy, Authenticity and the Commerce of Sex. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
Bernstein, E (2007) ‘The Sexual Politics of the “New Abolitionism”’ Differences: A Journal of Feminist Cultural Studies 18 (3) 128-151
Doezema, J and K. Kempadoo eds (2005) Trafficking and Prostitution Reconsidered: New Perspectives on Migration, Sex Work, and Human Rights. London: Paradigm Publishers.
Garland, D (2001) The Culture of Control: Crime and Social Order in Contemporary Society. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Kantola, J & Squires, J (2004) ‘Discourses Surrounding Prostitution Policies in the UK’ (2004) European Journal of Women’s Studies 11 (1) 77-101
Kempadoo, Kamala and Jo Doezema (eds) (1998) Global Sex Workers: Rights, Resistance, and Redefinition. New York, Routledge.
Jeffreys, S. (2009) ‘Prostitution, trafficking and feminism: An update on the debate’, Women’s Studies International Forum 32 (4) 316-320
Leidholdt, D (2004) ‘Prostitution and Trafficking in Women: An Intimate Relationship’ in M Farley, ed Prostitution, Trafficking and Post Traumatic Stress (Haworth Press Inc, New York)
MacKinnon, C (2005) ‘Pornography as Trafficking’, Michigan Journal of International Law 26 (4) 993-1012
MacKinnon, C (2011) ‘Trafficking, Prostitution, and Inequality’ Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review 46: 271-309, available at: afficking%20Prostitution%20and%20Inequality.pdf
Munro, V (2006) ‘Stopping Traffic? A Comparative Study of Responses to the Trafficking in Women for Prostitution’ British Journal of Criminology 46:
Munro, V (2006) ‘Of Rights and Rhetoric: Discourses of Degradation and Exploitation in the Context of Sex Trafficking’ Journal of Law and Society 35 (2) 240-264.
Munro, V and Della Guista, M eds, (2008) Demanding Sex: Critical Reflections on the Regulation of Prostitution. Aldershot: Ashgate. [see especially chapters by J.Scoular & M.O’Neill; V. Munro; S.FitzGerald.]
Scoular, J (2004) ‘The “Subject” of Prostitution: Interpreting the Discursive, Symbolic and Material Position of Sex/Work in Feminist Theory’ Feminist Theory 5 (3) 343-355.
Scoular, J and O’Neill, M (2007) ‘Regulating Prostitution: Social Inclusion, Responsibilization and the Politics of Prostitution Reform’ British Journal of Criminology 48: 764-778.
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Sutherland, K (2004) ‘Work, Sex and Sex Work: Competing Feminist Discourses on the International Sex Trade’ Osgoode Hall Law Journal 42 (1) 139-167.
Wacquant, L (2008) Punishing the Poor: The Neoliberal Government of Social Insecurity. Durham: Duke University Press.
Policy papers / activist reports / websites:
Xtalk project, (2010) ‘Human Rights, Sex Work and the Challenge of Trafficking’ (Creative Commons, London)
Coalition Against Trafficking in Women:
Global Alliance Against Trafficking in Women:
Kelly, L and Regan, L (2003) ‘Stopping Traffic: Exploring the extent of, and responses to, trafficking in women for sexual exploitation in the UK’ (Home Office, London)
Home Office, (2006) ‘A Coordinated Prostitution Strategy and a summary of responses to Paying the Price’ (HMSO, London)
Home Office, (2008) ‘Tackling the Demand for Prostitution: A Review’ (HMSO, London)
Gender, Sexuality & Criminal Justice 42 Walklate, Sandra (2008) ‘What Is to Be Done About Violence Against Women?: Gender, Violence, Cosmopolitanism and the Law’, British Journal of Criminology 48 (1): 39-54.
Essential Reading:
Sudbury, Julia (2006) ‘Rethinking Antiviolence Strategies: Lessons from the Black Women’s Movement in Britain’, pp. 13-24 in Incite! Women of Color against Violence (ed), Color of Violence: The Incite! Anthology. Cambridge, Massachusetts, South End Press.
Critical Resistance and Incite! Women of Color against Violence (2001) Statement on Gender Violence and the Prison Industrial Complex’’ Available online: resistance-statement Last accessed: 4 December 2013.
Creative Interventions (2012) ʻSection 1. Introduction & FAQʼ and ʻSection 2.3. Violence Intervention: Some Important Lessonsʼ and ʻSection 3.5. What Are We Trying to Achieve: 3 Key Intervention Areasʼ from Creative Interventions Toolkit: A Practical Guide to Stop Interpersonal Violence [Pre-release version 06.2012]. [Available at: http://www.creative- Last accessed 12 December 2013. [Please note: The entire guide is posted online so you can read through as much as you like. For the purposes of seminar, please read the sections noted above.]
The Chrysalis Collective (2008) ‘Beautiful, Difficult, Powerful: Ending Sexual Assault through Transformative Justice’, pp. 188-205 in C.-I. Chen, Dulani, J. & Piepzna-Samarasinha, L. L. (eds), The Revolution Starts at Home: Confronting Intimate Violence within Activist Communities. Brooklyn, NY, South End Press.
Further Readings:
For critiques of legal responses to domestic / intimate partner violence:
Bumiller, Kristen (2008) In an Abusive State: How Neoliberalism Appropriated the Feminist Movement against Sexual Violence. Durham, North Carolina, Duke University Press.
Dugan, Laura, Richard Rosenfeld and Daniel S. Nagin (2003) ‘Exposure Reduction or Retaliation? The Effects of Domestic Violence Resources on Intimate-Partner Homicide’, Law & Society Review 37 (1): 169-198.
Hoyle, Carolyn and Andrew Sanders (2000) ‘Police Response to Domestic Violence’, British Journal of Criminology 40 (1): 14-36.
Humphreys, Cathy and Ravi K. Thiara (2003) ‘Neither Justice nor Protection: Women’s Experiences of Post-Separation Violence’, Journal of Social Welfare and Family Law 25 (3): 195 – 214.
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Incite! Women of Color against Violence (ed) (2006) Color of Violence: The Incite! Anthology. Cambridge, Massachusetts, South End Press.
Snider, Laureen (1998) ‘Towards Safer Societies: Punishment, Masculinities and Violence against Women’, British Journal of Criminology 38 (1): 1- 39.
Stanko, Elizabeth A. (1996) ‘Warnings to Women: Police Advice and Women’s Safety in Britain’, Violence Against Women 2 (1): 5-24.
Ritchie, B. (2012) Arrested Justice: Black Women, Violence and America’s Prison Nation. New York and London: New York University Press.
For discussion of alternative and non-criminal responses to domestic / intimate partner violence:
Cameron, Angela (2006) ‘Stopping the Violence: Canadian Feminist Debates on Restorative Justice and Intimate Violence’, Theoretical Criminology 10 (1): 49-66.
Critical Resistance (ed) (2008) Abolition Now! Ten Years of Strategy and Struggle against the Prison Industrial Complex. Oakland, California, AK Press.
Cameron, Angela (2006) ‘Sentencing Circles and Intimate Violence: A Canadian Feminist Perspective’, Canadian Journal of Women & the Law 18 (2): 479-512.
Chen, C.-I., Dulani, J. and Piepzna-Samarasinha, L. L. (eds.) (2008) The Revolution Starts At Home: Confronting Intimate Violence Within Activist Communities. Brooklyn, NY: South End Press.
Chen, Ching-In, Dulani and Leah Laksmipiepzna-Samarasinha (eds) (2008)
The Revolution Starts at Home: Confronting Partner Abuse in Activist Communities (‘Zine). Available online: Last accessed: 4 December 2013.
Cunneen, Chris and Carolyn Hoyle (2010) Debating Restorative Justice. Oxford, Hart Publishing.
Foucault, Michel (2009) ‘Alternatives to the Prison: Dissemination or Decline of Social Control?’, Theory Culture Society 26 (6): 12-24.
Generation Five (2007) ‘Toward Transformative Justice’. Available online: documents/ Last Accessed: 4 December 2013.
McAlinden, Anne-Marie (2011) ”Transforming Justice’: Challenges for Restorative Justice in an Era of Punishment-Based Corrections’, Contemporary Justice Review 14 (4): 383-406.
Morris, Ruth (2000) Stories of Transformative Justice. Toronto, Canadian Scholars’ Press.
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Ptacek, J. (ed.) (2009) Restorative Justice and Violence Against Women. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.
Sudbury, Julia (2004) ‘A World Without Prisons: Resisting Militarism, Globalized Punishment and Empire’, Social Justice 31 (1/2): 9-30.
StoryTelling & Organising Project (STOP) Website – Audio Stories:
Community Accountability Blog: ideas, actions, art, & resources
Bay Area Transformative Justice Collective (Blog)
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