A three-phase generator step-up transformer is rated 26-kV: 345-

A three-phase generator step-up transformer is rated 26-kV: 345-

A three-phase generator step-up transformer is rated 26-kV: 345-kV, 850 MVA and has a series impedance of 0.0035 + j0.087 per unit on this base. It is connected to a 26-kV, 800-MVA generator, which can be represented as a voltage source in series with a reactance of j 1.57 per unit on the generator base.
a. Convert the per unit generator reactance to the step-up transformer base.
b. The unit is supplying 700 MW at 345 kV and 0.95 power factor lagging to the system at the transformer high-voltage terminals. (i) Calculate the transformer low-side voltage and the generator internal voltage behind its reactance in kV. (ii) Find the generator output power in MW and the power factor.

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