Theory, and Practice

Theory, and Practice

Learning Approaches, Theory, and PracticeBecoming a professional in the field of early childhood
education requires you to become familiar with the various
developmental theories as well as research that studies the
effectiveness of various learning approaches. Throughout the last
two weeks, you have learned about these different theories and
approaches to learning. After engaging in discussions with your
classmates, you now have ideas about which theories and approaches
you would like to use in your work with children. Using the steps
below, you will sort through these theories and approaches to shape
who you are as a teacher and what you believe about how children
learn best. This assignment will also help you prepare for your
final assignment.Prior to beginning work on this assignment, access the APA
template for assistance with the writing process, formatting,
documentation, and citations in your written work.Step 1: Reflect back on your initial response in the “Aspects of
Theories” discussion from Week Two and the “Learning Approaches”
discussion from this week.Using the theories and approaches that were discussed, fill in
the table below by ranking each according to how you connected with
them (“most connected” at the top and “least connected” at the
bottom). Be sure to delete the example row provided.Theorists/Theories – Most connected to least connectedLearning Approaches – Most connected to least connectedEx: 1. Piaget – Theory of Cognitive DevelopmentEx: 1. High Scope1. 2: Using the table as a guide, research your top two
theories and top two learning approaches. You will create a Prezi
or a PowerPoint presentation that contains your responses to the
points below as they are applied to each of your top two theories
and top two learning approaches.Summarize the underlying principles or ideas for this
theory/approach. Explain why this theory/approach is important to
understand and how it will benefit your work with children. Discuss
how this theory/approach will help you to be an effective teacher.
Explain why this theory/approach is ranked at the top of your list.
Summarize the similarities you see between the theory and model of
those you ranked first. For example, if Piaget’s theory of
cognitive development was your top theory and the Reggio Emilia
approach was your top learning approach, share how these two ideas
support one another. Simplesimon

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