The Islamic Financial System As a Successful Alternative Instead of Traditional Financial system
this my hypothesis, questions and objective
After the crisis there is demand for Islamic financial System from non-Muslims countries because the Islamic banks got less impact.
1-What is the main reasons behind the global crisis?
2-to what extent did the Islamic banks affected by crisis?
3-Did the financial crisis strength the role of Islamic banks?
4-What is the concept of Islamic Finance?
5-What could improve the IFS to be a successful alternative?
6-Have the demand for IFS from non-Muslims countries increased after the financial crisis?
7-What are the differences between the IFS and Traditional Financial system?
8-Could the Islamic financial System limit the size of damage by crisis if the financial crisis happen again in the future?
9-Did the Islamic banks achieved success in countries that has recently added the Islamic financial system to their transactions?
1- To analyse if IFS achieves a comprehensive economic development in all areas.
2- To compare between the IFS and Traditional system.
3- To clarify the IFS and the main aspects of this system.
4- To identify the countries that has recently inserted the Islamic financial transactions to their financial system in addition to the size of their success.
5- To evaluate what extent did the Islamic banks affected by crisis.
Research proposal (6000 words) structure
2. Table of Contents
! List the titles of the headings down the left column and the corresponding page in the right column.
3. Declaration of authorship:
! On the page following the table of contents, a declaration of authorship is required, to read thus:
“I ___________ confirm that this work is entirely my own effort, any material used in this document that is not my own has been faithfully and fully referenced and the authorship acknowledged.”
! A claimed lack of understanding amongst some students as to what constitutes plagiarism will not be accepted. The guidelines on plagiarism are clearly communicated as part of this module and are available and it is the student’s responsibility to remind themselves of the content of these. This is especially important for this module; if any plagiarism is detected in the Research Project the consequence will be a grade of ‘0’.
4. Executive Summary / Abstract (300 – 500 words) – 5% of the final mark
! The Executive Summary must outline the main points made in the Project Report. It has to capture within the established word limit the What, How, and Why of the project, an accurate summary of the project’s main aims, its context, the methods that have been used, and the relevance of the research.
5. Introduction
! Don’t rush into doing the background: you need to orient your readers to the nature of the report and its focus at the outset. Make sure you have an introduction that defines and explains clearly:
– What you are going to talk about. Concept definitions can be necessary to outline the overall purpose of your report.
– What you are trying to do with your topic – your direction and the structure of your report. The introduction must act as a navigation guide to the reading of your report.
– What you are going to cover and what you’re not, the scope of the project.
– Background information necessary to their understanding.
– Why did you choose that topic (e.g. it’s an emerging trend, it’s useful for your career, it’s something that hasn’t been researched and it’s necessary to investigate, etc.)
! You can use the introduction section to explain some of the objectives and research questions of the project.
6. Literature review -(2500 words) 30% of the final mark
! The literature review that you write for your project report should be a description and critical analysis of what other authors have written in the area of your research project.
! In your literature review you must:
– Evaluate previous investigations:
• Analyse them
• Reflect upon their merits and their faults and explain them (why are they good, why are they problematic)
• Don’t give each book or article equal status: reflect on the different values and weights that they have for your research project
– Establish the context:
• Explain what have been done and how have been done (e.g. methods and techniques that previous investigations have applied, sections of a general topic that have been broadly researched and sections that barely have been researched.
• Show and explain the relationships between published research findings.
• Link the different ideas you find in the literature to form a coherent and cohesive argument.
• This will set a context to your own research: how the hypothesis, questions and objectives you have proposed relate to the research that has been done before.
– Justify your own ideas:
• Recognising any omissions and bias.
• Highlighting research possibilities that have been overlooked.
• Explaining some of the objectives and research questions of the project.
• Discovering explicit recommendations (usually recommendations for further research or recommendations on methodological issues)
– Explain precisely how you searched for selected the literature you have included in your review, outlining your choice of key words and of databases used.
– Reference the literature in which they were reported.
! If you find out the presence in the literature of a very prominent related work, you have to give an idea of what are the differences between your work and the prominent one.
7. Research Methodology – 20% of the final mark
– You must clearly state and justify the research methods (qualitative and quantitative) and the techniques that you would use in your research project in order to:
• Achieve your research objectives,
• Answer your research questions,
• And, above all, to confirm or deny your hypothesis.
– Alternative approaches must also be clearly considered and evaluated. You must explain clearly why you would choose one technique over another. If you haven’t done it in the literature review, you can mention here the techniques and methods used in previous research related to the topic, and your reflections on them (whether or not you consider them sufficient, appropriate, etc. and why)
– Briefly describe and explain every method and technique that you would use.
– Justify and calculate the population and the sample needed for the research
– Explain the process and the design of the instruments that you would need (e.g. questionnaire, focus group)
– Justify and calculate other resources you would need:
• Personnel resources (how many people, the skills they should have, and their profiles). Work distribution.
• Scheduling: timeline and milestones
• Access to data. Identify potential problems related accessing the information (e.g. financial information or internal information about a particular company can be very difficult to get).
8. Conclusions
! The conclusions will deal with the results of applying research techniques and what you have discovered and learnt during the process:
– If you have found that similar research would be useful (e.g. for an industry sector, for yourself, for a particular population, for a particular company).
– If there is anything that could be improved regarding previous investigations
(techniques applied, samples, approaching, etc.)
– What you have learnt and how you have improved while doing this project (e.g. proper formulation of research questions, objectives, hypothesis, the importance of setting a plan and a method when doing research, etc.)
9. Bibliography and Webgraphy
– Start this section on a new page.
– References are arranged alphabetically; they aren’t numbered.
– All referencing that is included is to be based on the Harvard System
10. Appendices / Addendum (where applicable)
! This section will be used to add any document that is relevant to the project, e.g. questionnaires designed for the research project, transcribed interviews or any other primary source.
– Start each appendix (if applicable) on a new page.
– If there’s just one appendix, label it Appendix, without a number.
– If there’s more than one appendix, label them Appendix 1, Appendix 2, etc. – In the main text, refer to the Appendix by the label, e.g. Appendix 2.
I want to add tables and charts and some figures
Project Report Text:
• Headings: Times New Roman, 14 pt. Bold
• Body: Times New Roman, 12 pt.
• 1.5 line
• Leave a blank line between paragraphs
Notes: Should be added to the footer
The tables and figures must be numbered and described
I want to make a survey and add to the proposal about the topic and add the results in it.
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