Strategic Professional Development

Strategic Professional Development

Teachers can easily be stuck with tunnel vision. They know what their classrooms and students need. Sometimes they don’t get to step back and consider the school as a whole. Sometimes we think the grass is greener at another school, when maybe it isn’t.

On pages 61-64 of the text there is a chart (exhibit 3.1).


Strategic Professional Development

Fill out this chart. (You do not need to upload you chart. Your post should provide enough information to show that you walked through the process.) Reflect on your experience. What were some (at least 3) of the suggested ideas for development? Why? What makes them important to you as a teacher, but also as an educational leader?

Please also address how you came up with the suggestions. Are these things you have seen implemented at other schools? Ideas from collegial discussion? Just brand new from the readings? Outside readings?


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