Stock Trading Report Paper Writing Service

3.1 Individual Shares assessment brief


3.1.1 Interim Individual Share Performance Review (40%)

3.1.2 Final Individual Share Performance Review (60%)


This assessment runs all the way through phases 1 and 2 (with an interim submission). The final hand in is during Phase 3, and is worth 20% of your Phase 3 grade.


The vast majority of the world’s largest companies are “publicly listed” companies (in the UK called PLCs or Public Limited Company).  That means that their shares are traded through one of the stock exchanges such as London, New York or Shanghai and investors can purchase shares in those businesses.  Individuals such as you and I can invest alongside institutional investors such as pension fund management businesses which own huge investments in companies.


In this task you will each have £10,000 to invest in a publicly listed company of your choice. You will monitor the performance of your investment.  It is only a fictional £10,000 unfortunately but will the value of your investment increase or will you lose money?


At the end of this project you should be able to:-


  • Better understand an organisation’s published financial results;
  • Construct charts and diagrams and clearly interpret them;
  • Use published share price data and articles from the business pages of newspapers to evaluate the performance of a portfolio of shares;
  • Present your analysis effectively in writing.


Learning Objectives


This project will help you:


  • To recognise the concept of the business organisation operating within the parameters of a changing external environment
  • To demonstrate an awareness of current issues, facts and events in the national and international business world
  • To identify different legal forms of company
  • To interpret data presented in various forms
  • To write an academic essay with appropriate referencing
  • To manage your time to meet deadlines and obligations including those to other members of your group


The Task

You have a nominal £10,000 with which to buy shares of a company that MUST be listed on the London Stock Exchange. Try to invest in a company that you think will do well over the next six months and give you a good return on your investment, even though making a profit is not a key objective of this assessment.


You need to be able to justify your choice of company. In order to do this you should carry out some research on a range of companies using PEST analysis. You will need this information for your interim report.


You must keep a record of the current price of your shares on a week by week basis and the total current value of your shares using an Excel spreadsheet to monitor the performance of your shares.  You should record the share prices and create charts to show the values graphically, (experiment with the sorts of chart that you can produce to find the best one for this task).


Every week you will be expected to check on the performance of your individual shares keeping your spreadsheet updated. In Phase 2 you will also have an opportunity to sell your share and use the proceeds to invest in a different company.  You have to decide whether that will give you better growth over the period of your investment.


The assessment is concerned with how you arrived at your choice of initial shares, your analysis of the progress of your shares, your judgement for keeping – or selling – the shares and how well you justify your decisions. In order to do this, you should try to include more pieces of information than just the closing share price to make a chart as informative as possible. What other information might be relevant? You will also need this information for your interim and final reports.



What are we looking for?


Interim Individual Share Review – maximum 800 words (MUST DO SEPARATELY FROM FINAL)


To pass this assessment you MUST:

Submit an interim report that analyses the performance of your chosen share throughout the first twelve weeks of the project, paying particular attention to changes in the share price and including a PEST analysis for your chosen company


To achieve a higher grade in this assessment you SHOULD:

Analyse your share performance in detail, with referenced evidence to support your analysis

Provide information on why you chose this particular company

Compare the performance of your chosen share with the performance of other shares in your chosen sector and an appropriate share index.



If you are going to chose to swap your original share, why you are you choosing to swap and your justifications for your new choice.


To achieve a grade at the highest level you COULD:

Provide information on other companies that you considered, and why you rejected them.

Consider how well your share is doing compared to the stock market as a whole.

Provide detailed justifications around your decision during the share trading window.


Hint: to achieve higher marks you will analyse the reasons for what happened, comparing your company with other relevant businesses, the sector and the economy in general, and taking into account any newsworthy events that affected the share price.


Final Individual Share Portfolio Review – maximum 1,200 words (MUST DO SEPARATELY FROM INTERIM)


To pass this assessment you MUST:

Submit a final report that analyses the performance of your chosen share(s) throughout the duration of the project, paying particular attention to changes in the share price.


To achieve a higher grade in this assessment you SHOULD:

Analyse your share performance in detail, with referenced evidence to support your analysis

Compare the performance of your chosen share with the performance of other shares in your chosen sector and an appropriate share index.

If you chose to swap your original share, why you chose to swap, and your justifications for your new choice


To achieve a grade at the highest level you COULD:

Compare the performance of your chosen share(s) with the performance of the overall stock market – did your share(s) out-perform the stock market? If yes, why? If not, why not?


Hint: to achieve higher marks you will analyse the reasons for what happened, comparing your company with other relevant businesses, the sector and the economy in general, and taking into account any newsworthy events that affected the share price.


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