Steps to Avoid Complications of Airway Management in Obese Patients

I need to write paper 3 pages long double space . Please use for articles not older than 4 years . Also write in AMA format/style . Here part that I need to discuss in my paper :
Preoxygenation/Low Functional Residual Capacity, Apnea and Atelectasis risk.
Cost related to failure to prevent above things/increased hospital stay/unable to extubate or wake patient , prolong ICU stay.
Here some helpful hints :
Must preoxygenate the obese patient.
-safe apnea for obese is shorter than healthy patients due to high O2 consumption, decreased rib cage compliance, increased lung resistance, and most importantly, a reduction in Functional Residual Capacity (FRC)
-time needed to increase O2 sat is prolonged
-intubation is delayed due to difficult airway
-vital capacity and expiratory reserve volume are decreased
-downward diaphragmatic movements are limited
-greater atelectasis (put PEEP on ventilator)

*No matter which technique is chosen, to preoxygenate obese patients, the margin of safety is low and in practice allows only one laryngoscopy attempt.

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