Spread of HIV type 1 and type 2 due to population migration
Spread of HIV type 1 and type 2 due to population migration
Please stick to the topic on the migration of human causing hiv worldwide
You may divide the paper into sections . please discuss the biology of the virus. keep it more into a science topic
you may discuss also people who are immune to the virus
Its a rough draft please do it the best you can.
I have preferences for how you format. I expect 10 pages of text as the main body of the paper. You should include a cover page, an abstract page, and references in APA stye (none of these count towards the 10 page limit). You are welcome to have figures and tables- if you pull them from other sources, please cite appropriately. Figures and tables do not count towards the 10 pages either, so if you have them, you should exceed that length. You are welcome to run over 10 pages, although after 15 pages I will be concerned. I prefer either times new roman 12 or Ariel 11. Other fonts are not welcome. I expect full margins- the default settings from word. Slim pages will be noted. I also expect 35 references or more. APA format, with inline citations in the text (first author surname, etal, year) and a reference list at the end (can be alphabetic or ordered by numbers)
Literature reviews should have an abstract, introduction, several sections on particular topics, and a conclusion. The abstract should be on a separate page, while the main document (Introduction through conclusion, excluding abstract and citations) should be at least 10 pages in length (Times New Roman, 12 pt font, 1.5 spacing, and default word margins (1” top and bottom, 1.25” left and right). The review MUST properly cite primary scientific literature, with at least 50 peer reviewed journal articles being cited. Citations should be inline, following the guidelines for the journal Trends in Genetics, as well as at the end of the paper. Citations at the end of the review do NOT count towards the page total. Citations of websites, Wikipedia, and other non-peer reviewed sources are highly DISCOURAGED: this is a science course.
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