Social & Developmental Psychology essay writing services
Dear Writer 1160
Hope this order will find you well, you have done some work for me before that I was very pleased with, so I will keep on choosing you for my orders, as I’m doing a Master in Psychology, however very busy at the moment to focus on it.
For this essay – You should write a 2000 word essay which will assess learning outcomes 1 and 2 (sending this units as attach) applying a topic in social psychology to a hypothetical ‘real life’ case study (I’m sending you 4 cases (Charles Maison, Mcdonald’s, Election Case and Marines case) for you to choose one and do the essay on, leaving that choice to you, so you can get the one that makes you more comfortable to deliver a fantastic essay).
During the module we have focused on a range of topics relevant to Social Psychology. This essay gives you the opportunity to apply one of these topics to a real life scenario. You can choose any of the case based learning
Your essay should be constructed as follows
Section 1 – Introduction
This is your initial introduction, so should comprise of just one paragraph.
Give an overview of how the essay is structured:
1) The topic you will address in social psychology
2) The case based scenario – what it is and why it is relevant.
Section 2 – Main Body
This is the main part of your essay and so will be the largest section in terms of word count.
· Summarise your chosen case and how it relates to a debate or topic in social psychology
· Discuss competing theories in the chosen area
· Discuss relevant research
· Demonstrate an understanding of social psychology and how it applies to a ‘real life’ case study.
· Make sure you evaluate the topic.
Section 3 – Conclusion
Here you should summarise your main arguments.
· Discuss the implications of your chosen case for knowledge in social psychology
· Consider the relevance of the topic, directions for future research and draw appropriate conclusions.
Four Top Tips
· Select your case carefully.
· Use appropriate evidence to support your arguments.
· Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the theories you discuss.
· Make sure the theories you discuss are applied to the case study.
Coursework 1: Indicative grading criteria
Generally to get 70% +
a. Your work should provide an explicit and original answer to the question set.
b. Your work should show excellent understanding.
c. Theoretical claims should be supported by empirical evidence. Your work should show a high level of critical appraisal that is primarily argument driven.
d. Your work should show evidence of exceptional background research based primarily on primary sources (i.e. the original research article).
e. Your work should show coherence, clarity of ideas and logic. Style of presentation should be appropriate with only trivial weaknesses in presentation.
Generally to get 60% +
a. Your work should be focused on the question set with evidence of originality.
b. Your work should show good understanding.
c. Theoretical claims should be supported by empirical evidence. Your work should show a good level of critical appraisal that is usually argument driven.
d. Your work should show evidence of good background research from a range of sources.
e. Your work should show coherence, clarity of ideas and logic. Style of presentation should be appropriate with only trivial weaknesses in presentation.
Generally to get 50% +
a. Your work should be mostly relevant to the question set.
b. Your work should show overall good understanding, but there might be some misunderstandings/errors.
c. Theoretical claims should be supported with empirical evidence. Your work should show some evidence of critical appraisal although this may be quite superficial.
d. Your work should show evidence of adequate background research. You might use a limited range of sources or employ mostly secondary sources (e.g. textbooks).
e. Your work should be generally coherent, show some clarity of ideas and logic. Style of presentation should be appropriate with few weaknesses in presentation.
Generally to get 40% +
a. Your work should show some relevance to the question set.
b. Your work should show some understanding, but there might be some significant misunderstandings/errors.
c. Theoretical claims may not always be supported with empirical evidence. Your work should show some evidence of critical appraisal although this may be quite superficial.
d. Your work should show evidence of adequate background research. You might use a limited range of sources or employ mostly secondary sources (e.g. textbooks).
e. Your work should be fairly coherent and clear but there might be some weaknesses in presentation.
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