Skill portfolio

Skill portfolio



PROFESSIONAL THEMED PHOTO:  insert your professional photo below.










PERSONAL DETAILS: note down any personal details that you would like to include on your ‘home page’.  Eg.  name, country of birth, ethnicity, …






PURPOSE OF THE PORTFOLIO:  note down the purpose of your portfolio, so that when an employer reads this information they are aware of the information contained within.






BIOGRAPHY OF EXPERIENCES:  list your experiences to date (eg. work, education, clubs, etc).






ANALYSIS OF CHOSEN PROFESSION:  list the type(s) of professions/field of business that you would like to enter, where you would like to work /go in the future, and what sort of job(s) you would like (positions) to hold.

You may refer to the Australian Government Job Guide website  to assist you in writing the description/ or gaining a better understanding, of your preferred job.







Refer to all PARTS above, write a professional introduction that includes your ideas noted during the planning phase.  Your ABOUT ME or INTRODUCTION page should follow the structure noted below:

[ Photo ]


[ Name ]


[ Personal information and the purpose of your skills portfolio ]


[ Short biography of your work/study experiences to date ]


[ Chosen profession, and where you want to work in the future ]







TASK:  addressing the selection criteria



What is this employability skill asking me to write/think about (list skills, etc)?






List what you have done in the past to prove/demonstrate that you have these skills?








OPENING (1):  think of a strong claim that clearly states your ability relating to the skill(s).






SITUTATION (2):  focus on ONE example and outline the specific circumstances where you developed the particular experience/skill or used the required skills or qualities?  (eg. where/when did it occur; what was the situation?)






TASK (3):  note down what your role in accomplishing this skill, what did you have to do, and why did you need to do it?






ACTION/APPROACH (4):  note down what you actually did.  You need to prove to the employer that you did this task, therefore note HOW you achieved the task / what did you actually do?






RESULTS (5):  what were the results of what you did?  Did you achieve what you set out to do?  If YES, what was the end-result?  Do you have any evidence ~ if so what is it?









Referring to STEP 2, write in full sentences your response(s) to each section, being the ‘opening claim’, SITUATION, TASK, ACTION, and RESULT.


Enter description of skill behaviour here…






Enter sentences here…




Enter sentences here…




Enter sentences here…




Enter sentences here…



TASK:  career planning process

This template provides a structured approach to developing a Career Plan.  The information explored under each section can be used as the basis for creating your CAREER MANAGEMENT ePORTFOLIO page.


Training WA Career Centre.  (2011).  Career planning 4 step planning process.  Retrieved from


STEP 1:   Knowing yourself

Begin by thinking about where you are now, where you want to be and how you’re going to get there.

Once you have thought about where you are at now and where you want to be, you can work on getting to know your skills, interests and values.

Begin by asking yourself the following questions:

  • Where am I at now?
  • Where do I want to be?
  • What do I want out of a job or career?
  • What do I like to do?
  • What are my strengths?
  • What is important to me?

At the end of this step you will have a clearer idea of your work or learning goal and your individual preferences. You can use this information about yourself as your personal ‘wish list’ against which you can compare all the information you gather in Step 2: finding out.  Your personal preferences are very useful for helping you choose your best option at this point in time, which you can do in Step 3: making decisions.

Personal interests Discuss:–          What you are currently doing (education and work)?

–          What are your work related interests?

–          What are your current skills?

–          What is important to you at the present time (identify what you value in life, work and family)?

–          What will give you satisfaction in your work?



STEP 2:   Finding out

This step is about exploring the occupations and learning areas that interest you. Once you have some idea of your occupational preferences you can research the specific skills and qualifications required for those occupations.

  • Explore occupations that interest you and ask yourself how do my skills and interests match up with these occupations?
  • Where are the gaps?
  • What options do I have to gain these skills or qualify for these occupations?
  • What skills do I need?
  • Where is the work?

At the end of this step you will have a list of preferred occupations and/or learning options.

Occupation interests Discuss:–          The occupations that interest you.

–          What are the essential skills required for each occupation?

–          What skills do you need to develop to achieve the essential requirements for the desired occupations?


STEP 3:   making decisions

This step involves comparing your options, narrowing down your choices and thinking about what suits you best at this point in time.

Ask yourself:

  • What are my best work/training options?
  • How do they match with my skills, interests and values?
  • How do they fit with the current labour market?
  • How do they fit with my current situation and responsibilities?
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of each option?
  • What will help and what will hinder me?
  • What can I do about it?

At the end of this step you will have narrowed down your options and have more of an idea of what you need to do next to help you achieve your goals.

Evaluation of options Discuss–       What are you thinking about doing (career wise)?

–       What are the PROs and CONs of your selection?

–       How do you feel about your current situation?


STEP 4:   taking action

Here you plan the steps you need to take to put your plan into action.
Use all you have learnt about your skills, interests and values together with the information you have gathered about the world of work to create your plan.

Begin by asking yourself:

  • What actions/steps will help me achieve my work, training and career goals?
  • Where can I get help?
  • Who will support me?

At the end of this step you will have:

  • a plan to help you explore your options further (eg work experience, work shadowing or more research); or
  • a plan which sets out the steps to help you achieve your next learning or work goal.

Decide which step is relevant for you right now and start from there.

Action plan Develop–       Plan how you will achieve the required skills / knowledge / experience to reach your desired occupation.

–       Where can you get help?

–       Who will support you?





Follow the structure below to develop your 1-page portfolio CAREER MANAGEMENT page



Name of FOLIO PAGE Career Management
Description of FOLIO PAGE Briefly discuss what this page aims to address.



Personal interests Discuss:–          What are you currently doing (education and work)?

–          What are your work related interests?

–          What are your current skills?

–          What is important to you at the present time (identify what you value in life, work and family)?

–          What will give you satisfaction in your work?

Occupation interests Discuss:–          The occupations that interest you.

–          What are the essential skills required for each occupations?

–          What skills do you need to develop to achieve the essential requirements for the desired occupations?

–          Where can you find work for each occupation?

Evaluation of career options Discuss:–       What are you thinking about doing (career wise)?

–       What are the PROs and CONs of your selection?

–       How do you feel about your current situation?

Action plan development Develop:–       A plan of how you can achieve the required skills / knowledge / experience to attain your desired occupation?

o   Consider where can you get help?

o   And who will support you?


TASK:  personality type reflection

This template provides a guide to help you develop your ePortfolio page on your Personality Profile.  Your Personality Profile should be approximately 400-500 words, and each of the following section must be addressed when writing your response to this component of the assessment.


STEP 1:   Analyse each personality test (separately)

Complete this template to help gather materials for each personality test.  This information can then be used to complete your 1-page portfolio reflection on your personality type.

A.      Name of the Personality Test
B.      Brief description of the test and what it aims to measure (references required)
C.      What you needed to do to complete the test (references required), how long did you spend doing it
D.     Note the ACTUAL results of the test (references required)
E.      What do the results mean / provide an understanding of your personality based on the results from the test (references required)
F.       Do you think these results are a correct/accurate reflection of your personality?  If so, why, if not, why not?
G.     How can this information help you in various parts of your life (i.e. work, social, community, family, etc.)




STEP 2:   Structure your 1-page portfolio Personality Type Reflection

Follow the structure below to help prepare your reflection on your Personality Type/Profile.


A.      Name of FOLIO PAGE Name of your ePortfolio Page
B.      Description of FOLIO PAGE Briefly describe the information discussed in your portfolio page / OR what this page aims to address


C.      Introduction and explain what you have done to determine your Personality Profile Provide a brief introduction that:–          Start your introduction by explaining the main purpose of this page.  What type of information will be discussed/covered under this portfolio page?

–          Follow by providing an understanding of what you have done to determine your personality profile.  For example, note the tests that you have performed to determine your personality profile.

–          Approximately 75-100 words

D.     Explain the main characteristics of your personality (references required) Information for this section can be taken from the following tests:–          Interaction styles

–          Temperament style

–          Myer Brigs Indicator Test (MBTI)


This section must be written in sentences, and can include:

–          An understanding of your appearance indicators as noted against the ‘Interaction Style’  & ‘Temperament Style’ (refer to handout provided in Week 8)

–          Your strengths and weaknesses, or emotions as per the ‘MBTI’ outcomes (refer to

–          The main theme of your personality as per the MBTI handouts provided on Moodle

–          Example your feelings toward the outcome of these tests.  For example, do you agree with the results about your personality and if so why, or do you not agree, and why not.

–          Approximately 100-150 words

E.      Explain the communication style and workplace habits of your personality (references required) Information for this section can be taken from the following tests:–          Interaction styles

–          Temperament style

–          Myer Brigs Indicator Test (MBTI)


This section must be written in sentences, and can include:

–          An understanding of your communication/language style, role and attention outcomes as noted against the ‘Interaction Style’ & ‘Temperament Style’ (refer to handout provided in Week 8)

–          Your workplace habits as per the ‘MBTI’ outcomes (refer to

–          Your relationships and conversations as per the MBTI handouts provided on Moodle

–          Example your feelings toward the outcome of these tests.  For example, do you agree with the results about your personality and if so why, or do you not agree, and why not.

–          Approximately 100-150 words

F.       How can this information help you in various parts of your life (i.e. work, social, community, family, etc.) Finish by explaining how an understanding of your personality profile can help you in various parts of your life.–          You may discuss the impact these results will have on your work prospects, social or community interactions or family relationships.

–          Explore the Profession / Job Roles that will best suit or align with your style of personality

–          How can this information help you to understanding yourself and others?



Student Number & Name:   60011134; Basu Sapkota



Doneü Task (what needs to be done?) Method (How?) Deadline (When?) Questions/notes
1 Topic selection Moodle (essay assignment documentation) Week 5 Understand topic well
2 Research on topic Read the chapter on moodle and add something from Internet Week 5
3 Plan topic sentences Get the selective  main points from research Week 5 Copy all points so, it will be easy to decide later on
4 Collect points for supporting topic sentences Get extra points related to topic sentence Week 5
5 Add references as per points Collect the information where you get the points for essay Week 5 Get all possible information
6 Plan Introduction paragraph Start the paragraph by grabbing audience attention Week 6
7 Plan thesis statement Combine the selective points so that it state’s  the whole essay Week 6
8 Make strong body paragraph with details Give strong reason to support topic sentence Week 7
9 Conclude each paragraph Restate the idea of each paragraph Week 7
10 Conclude essay with restatement of main points Restate the thesis statement and main points and make it short and sweet Week 8
11 Make it read by someone else Ask friend what he understand throughout the essay and compare and think what it should be Week 9 At least ask more than one people
12 Fix the errors as per feedback and submit Fix the issue, check marking key  and make your best Week 10 Submit before class

List of suggested tasks:

Find sources of information                                                         Reading and note taking

Write first draft                                                                                 ensure all quotes and paraphrases are referenced

Writer essay outline                                                                        check spelling/grammar

Prepare end-text reference list                                                 edit

Bring draft to class                                                                            Show lecturer

Final revisions                                                                                    Check marking key

Submit to Turnitin



Section Component                                                                            Content
IntroductoryParagraph Introduce the topic by grabbing the audience’s attention In any situation whenever a conflict arises it disrupts the efficiency of coordination and sours interpersonal relationships. A conflict refers to the tense process that commences when one party forms negative perceptions about the other individual based on the latter’s shortcomings or misdeeds.
Narrow the topic by leading into the thesis Resolving conflict is a critical step that requires approach with caution and concern to avoid further aggravation of any party. The process of conflict management is one that agreeably requires invaluable skills and a stable perception to initiate concrete reconciliation.
Thesis statement The following essay will examine conflict as an event, and the factors that lead to its intensification. Moreover, it will explore negotiations and mediations as two conflict resolution strategies that may be employed to resolve a demanding situation.


BodyParagraph 1 Topic Sentence Conflict management requires caution since it arises as an expression of anger, frustration, stress and self-consciousness.
Reason/Detail/Fact Transition 1Explain


Early identification of any conflict benefits the situation since it enables the mediator understand and explore the variables that nurtured the emergence of the situation, and formulate better strategies to resolve the issue
Reason/Detail/Fact Transition 2Explain


It is helpful in the sense that it creates a provision for a solution to a pressing crisis, an aspect that encourages both the parties in question to reform and grow.Lewicki, Roy J., Bruce Barry, and David M. Saunders. Essentials of negotiation. McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2011
Reason/Detail/Fact Transition 3Explain


Lewicki (23) asserts that although frequently perceived as negative, the conflict has its advantages.
Conclusion When carefully managed, conflict is a platform that enables parties involved to devise better ideas to develop effectiveness and efficiency devoid of possible violence eruption.


BodyParagraph 2 Topic Sentence In search of an effective solution strategy, negotiations and mediations are two common platforms utilized by aggrieved parties due to their wide applicability
Reason/Detail/Fact Transition 1Explain


By definition, a negotiation is a process that results when involved parties amicably agree on the suitable manner to resolve a crisis.
Reason/Detail/Fact Transition 2Explain


Mediation refers to the use of a neutral party as the final overseer of the conflict management case
Reason/Detail/Fact Transition 3Explain


The strategy is largely acceptable since it promotes interaction between both parties and provides a podium that enables the affected parties re-connect in search of a common and amicable solution
Conclusion Negotiation and mediation are vital tools that enhance the management scenario.





ConcludingParagraph Summary of the arguments In search of an effective solution strategy, negotiations and mediations are two common platforms utilized by aggrieved parties due to their wide applicability
Restatement of the main points Conflict management requires caution since it arises as an expression of anger, frustration, stress and self-consciousness.
Implications into the future Future conflict scenarios can be easily resolved by the use of Negotiation and Mediation strategies.



3.  INTRODUCTORY PARAGRAPH(approximately 100to 150words)

In any situation whenever a conflict arises it disrupts the efficiency of coordination and sours interpersonal relationships. A conflict refers to the tense process that commences when one party forms negative perceptions about the other individual based on the latter’s shortcomings or misdeeds. Due to the nature of the conflict, there are many diverse sources and types of conflicts although the result is usually similar in most instances. Resolving conflict is a critical step that requires approach with caution and concern to avoid further aggravation of any party. The process of conflict management is one that agreeably requires invaluable skills and a stable perception to initiate concrete reconciliation. The following essay will examine conflict as an event, and the factors that lead to its intensification. Moreover, it will explore negotiations and mediations as two conflict resolution strategies that may be employed to resolve a demanding situation. 







4.  SOURCES (Complete the relevant sections):

Source 1 (reading chapter)
Editor (if applicable)  
Year of publication  
Book title  
Chapter title  
Article title  
Journal title  
Date accessed  
Place published  


Source 2
Editor (if applicable)  
Year of publication  
Book title  
Chapter title  
Article title  
Journal title  
Date accessed  
Place published  


Source 3
Editor (if applicable)  
Year of publication  
Book title  
Chapter title  
Article title  
Journal title  
Date accessed  
Place published  





Works Cited

Lewicki, Roy J., Bruce Barry, and David M. Saunders. Essentials of negotiation. McGraw-Hill/Irwin, 2011

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