Site Inspection

Site Inspection

Cleanliness on the perimeter of the hotel: Rate the cleanliness and maintenance issues you observed. Indicate any special features outside the building or challenges to the housekeeping department.
Cleanliness of Lobby: Describe your general impression of the public space. Pay particular attention to the housekeeping standards. What challenges can you observe with the maintenance and care of floors, carpets, wall treatments, lighting, draperies, furniture, fabrics, trash, receptacles, and traffic areas? Does this property have special touches?(Flowers, live, plants, for example).

Site Inspection

Public bathrooms, Inspect one bathroom: Was it clean? Was it well supplied? Describe the products used? Was there any indication(sign behind doors) that the bathroom was cleaned on a regular basis?
Hotel staff uniforms: Describe the style and colors. Do the uniforms reflect the image the hotel is attempting to portray? Are the uniforms well maintained?
Attentiveness of the staff: Did you observe any housekeeping employees? Discuss your observations of the staff and their level of professionalism. Did you observe any moments of truth?

Your executive summary directed to the general manager of the property.


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