Sickle cell Diagnosis paper writing service
Sickle cell Diagnosis
- What is the genetic basis of Sickle Cell anaemia (SCA)? (3 marks)
- Why is DNA testing so useful in SCA diagnostics? (3marks)
- How does the DNA analysis distinguish between normal and SCA patients ? (5marks)
- Plot a standard curve using the known sizes of the bands in the ladder and determine the sizes of the DNA fragments obtained with the patient samples (attach this and a properly annotated figure of your gel to your submission) Enter the identity of the samples and the sizes of the fragments obtained in the box below (10marks)
- What are the genotypes of the different samples? Explain how you determined this (6 marks)
- .Outline any strengths of this diagnostic technique compared with others (5marks)
- Outline any weaknesses of this diagnostic technique compared with others (5marks)
- Describe one improvement you could make to this technique & explain its advantage (4marks)
- What other test(s) might you perform to confirm your diagnosis and why? (3marks)
- What treatment,if any, would you recommend for this child after birth? (4marks)
- References (2marks)
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