Sharika arrives home late from a gig, only to find
Sharika arrives home late from a gig, only to find
Sharika arrives home late from a gig, only to find herself locked out. Her roommate and bass player Chico is practicing so loudly that he can’t hear Sharika’s pounding on the door downstairs. One of the band’s props is a small trampoline, which Sharika places under Chico’s window. She bounces progressively higher trying to get Chico’s attention. Propelling herself furiously upward, she miscalculates on the last bounce and flies past the window and out of sight. Chico sees her face for 0.2 s as she moves a distance of 2.4 m from the bottom to the top of the window.
(a) How long until she reappears?
(b) What is her greatest height above the top of the window?
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