Rough essay 2

Rough essay 2

Please use simple words to write this paper.
Now that you’ve read John Berger’s “Ways of Seeing” you will brainstorm a list of questions the reading provoked in you. These could be questions about image reproduction, photographs as objective documentation, the relationship between words and images, the psychology involved in perception etc. From your list you will pick one of these questions and use it as the basis for this second essay.
You must use at least one quote from “Ways of Seeing” and two other sources.
Citations and Sources: You must use proper MLA citation guidelines. Be sure to use legitimate sources (no Wikipedia!) to back up your claims.
Format: 5-7 pages typed, double-spaced, 12pt font; Times New Roman (or similar). Name, date, class and essay number (Ex.: Rough Essay 1; Final Essay 1) on top. 1” margins all around; page numbers on bottom. This essay should include a Works Cited page.Please use simple words to write this paper.
Now that you’ve read John Berger’s “Ways of Seeing” you will brainstorm a list of questions the reading provoked in you. These could be questions about image reproduction, photographs as objective documentation, the relationship between words and images, the psychology involved in perception etc. From your list you will pick one of these questions and use it as the basis for this second essay.
You must use at least one quote from “Ways of Seeing” and two other sources.
Citations and Sources: You must use proper MLA citation guidelines. Be sure to use legitimate sources (no Wikipedia!) to back up your claims.
Format: 5-7 pages typed, double-spaced, 12pt font; Times New Roman (or similar). Name, date, class and essay number (Ex.: Rough Essay 1; Final Essay 1) on top. 1” margins all around; page numbers on bottom. This essay should include a Works Cited page.

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