Role of the oncology nurses to overcome the fear from newly diagnosis cancer patient and family: a systematic approach
The aim of this essay is for students to critically analyse the relevant literature in relation the development of the advanced practitioner role. Students will need to demonstrate effective use of databases, an understanding of the elements of research processes and an ability to synthesise the information to present as a literature review.
Task description
Students are to select an area where the nurse practitioner has a role, for example wound care nurse, discharge nurse, breast care nurse, cancer coordinator. Students are encouraged to use a role they are familiar with.
• Introduce your advanced practitioner role and a basic description.
• Use literature to explore the development and history of this advanced practitioner role.
• Provide a description of your research strategies, including databases, keywords
o Demonstrate effective use of databases to find valid sources of information
o Demonstrate an understanding of the major elements of the research process and evaluating credibility
• Critically analyse the literature to synthesise the information and present as a literature review.
o Present key points to demonstrate understanding of the literature and similarities and differences in ideas.
You will be assessed on the following:
– Appropriate assignment structure
– Academic writing and referencing
– Appropriate literature and description of search strategies
– Critical analysis of the literature
– Presentation of synthesis of literature
For a more in-depth criteria, look at the below marking criteria.
Other elements:
• Use APA 6th edition for the reference list;
• Ensure that your references have been published within the last 5 years unless specific seminal references;
• Provide a clear introduction and conclusion to your essay;
• Always refer to the marking criteria, this will assist you in calculating the length of sections in your essay.
• Cut and paste an Assignment Coversheet with complete declaration and word count (excl references) to the first page of your essay.
8941NRS: Literature review Marking Criteria
Content Possible mark Mark achieved Brief comments
• Has opening sentence to contextualise aim of the essay.
• Clearly identifies the aim of the essay. 5
• Relevant search terms are reported;
• Database search method is discussed;
• Development and history of role discussed
• Critical analysis of current research is presented
• Logical synthesis and comparison of key points throughout the essay.
• Discussion of nurse practitioner roles supported with literature 60
• Summarises the key points outlined in the essay 5
Written expression
• Consistent and accurate use of:
Spelling, Grammar, Sentence structure, Paragraphing, Academic language 10
• Correct word count (1500 ± 10%)
• Inclusion of an assignment cover page.
• Footer: student number, page numbers
• 1.5 line spacing.
• A separate page for references. 5
Use of literature
• Recent and appropriate evidence reviewed
• Referencing as per APA Style 6th Edition. 10
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