Review 4 articles on children and musicking in early childhood and critically analyse them

Assignment – 2000 words due 25 March

The places and roles of the arts in young children’s lives can be conceptualised in many ways in the twenty-first century. It is essential for early childhood teachers to understand this variety and position children’s arts learning opportunities appropriately. As you work through this unit, you should be constantly looking for additional readings related to topics in the learning materials, from appropriate, peer-reviewed journals or scholarly books to extend your thinking. Keeping a summary of the bibliographic details and content of each would be a good idea.

For this task, you are required to use four journal articles or book chapters that pertain specifically to children and musicking in early childhood and critically analyse them.  For each article or chapter, you should:

  1. Summarise the content of the article/chapter.
  2. Explain how this particular approach to young children and their musical cultures/learning fits with contemporary views of children and childhoods.
  3. Outline your reaction as an educator to this article/chapter and link this to changes you might make in your practice.
  4. Name one issue that was raised in the article/chapter that has given you pause for consideration. Explain the issues and where and how you are going to find further information to resolve this.

This Assessment Task relates to the following Learning Outcomes:

  • Demonstrate a critical appreciation of the expert body of knowledge focusing on the arts in early childhood.
  • Demonstrate a sound understanding of the ways in which young children use art forms to explore, create and communicate about their worlds.

Please follow these guidelines when you submit each assignment:

  • Allow a left and right-hand margin of at least 2cm in all assignments.
  • Please type all assignments using 12-point font and 1.5 spacing.

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