Research Study Essay on Depression

Research Study Essay on Depression

1. Some of you still ask for a prompt. The prompt for this paper is, obviously, Styron’s memoir of depression, Darkness Visible. (MUST ENCORPORATE BOOK) 2. You should use this book as a stimulus to write the paper. You can or don’t have to mention or use the book in your paper. It is just a way of getting into the subject and getting some information about it, rather good, first-hand information. 3. Then you must first pick a topic. There are many ways to write about this subject. The first thing to do is to find a manageable topic, not too large for a paper of this size, and not something that is already a known fact. Something still in flux. 4. Remember: there is a great difference between doing a research paper on problems that are studied but not solved, and doing a report, like you did in high school. This paper is a research study, NOT a report. 5. Therefore, pick a topic that is still in flux, still being debated, researched, studied. And pick one that has sources you can find. 6. DO NOT USE GOOGLE for a medical research paper! You will mostly find junk, of the WebMD variety, and this is not what the paper requires. The best thing to do is consult professional journals which you can find easily on the Pace library databases. They are a little harder to use than google, and you have to eliminate a lot of the entries, as too technical, or not what you’re looking for. Try EBSCO, try some medical databases and see what you find. Look at good newspapers, like NYTimes, etc., and see if there is anything relating to your subject. Look at medical and psychological journals, which will be listed in the databases. 7. Your topic can be personal, or begin as personal experience, but cannot be wholly that. It has to be extended into current thinking, treatment and research on the topic, to substantiate or to further your knowledge. You can, however, use personal references when applicable. 8. I have posted some papers from former classes on Blackboard for your perusal. 9. The paper should be at least five pages, minimum. You can use MLA format.



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