research project for application in marketing class assignment writing service
I am looking for a complete 10 written pages plus i need all the references, nova analysis, survey, primary or secondary data. i need you to choose the topic first with little explanation (proposal) i need to talk with the professor to get accepted. please send it to me in these two days. Also, i might increase the number of pages if needed. i am going to upload all the instruction and materials needed. you have to read the article and chose one to start the project.
Your Research Project
General comments/instructions that we would have discussed in class would include the following points:
You read a journal article of your choice that would have had data collection and analysis included. The purpose was to get a “feel” for the process. We are interested in the process, and the outcome of your analysis. You might do something that is academic-publication directed, or a practitioner directed that would lead to a marketing plan or advertising message.
SECONDARY DATA: There is an enormous amount of data available to us. If you employ secondary data, you need to generate a model or some method to analyze the data. However, to simply report the numbers is what I label a “head count”, e.g., the consumers are 51% women, and 49% are men. A regression model may be the appropriate analysis technique, or an ANOVA. The example I explained was the highway fatalities regression. Again, it does not have to be a “mind-numbing,” model, but it does need to be more than a head count, or a repeat of what you found in a journal. A replication or a twist of something you found is probably acceptable if it indicates a thought process.
PRIMARY DATA: If you employ primary data, a model building process applies as well. You would develop a questionnaire, collect data from a sample, and analyze the data. I would expect (hope) you to use a multi-item scale that is designed to determine something. For example, we discussed the Machiavellianism scale. The purpose of such a scale is to not rely on one question to determine that “something” – for example, a course grade is not determined by one question but rather a composite of many questions. The multi-item scale measures the score a respondent has for a particular construct, e.g., fear of success, religiousness, etc. You may collect your data however you believe to be appropriate but remember you need multiple questions. Some or most “free” online questionnaires permit only a few questions and that is probably not acceptable. Likewise, you are to analyze the data you collect, not simply use the analysis that comes with the online source such as Zoomerang, Survey Monkey, etc. A rude and crude example might be something like this: Using a fear of success scale to examine the differences between frequently purchasers versus infrequent purchasers of Forbes magazine; or a buy American scale to examine online shoppers versus mall shoppers. I would hope you could use the results of your data to develop or assist a more effective advertising program (for example) not simply tell us that “40% use Zest, and 60% use Dove” results. Your results would be part of the narrative concerning your marketing plan or promotional effort.
Certainly keep in mind the confidentiality of your respondents. And as you are probably aware, the university will not provide student information. A written document or final report is required for whichever data method you employ.
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