research method module assignment on Audiology
For candidates taking:
Degree of MSc/Diploma (Audiology)
Answer all of the questions in sections one (42%) and two (58%). Word limits for each question are given below and must be strictly adhered to. Careful attention must be paid to the use and presentation of graphs, tables and statistical test results. You may present output from SPSS directly although this is rarely the most efficient or appropriate way of presenting information in table format.
SECTION 1 – Review and appraisal of research paper 42% of marks
The following short paper from the British Journal of Audiology is provided: Cullington, H. (2000) Preliminary neural response telemetry results. Brit. J. Audiol.,
2000, 34, 131-140
Question 1
Write a short critical review of this paper, presenting a summary of the paper along with a critical analysis of the literature review, methodology, results, analysis and conclusions (1000 words maximum).
SECTION 2 – Data analysis and interpretation 58% of marks
In the following section you are to present, analyse and interpret the data from a hypothetical study. Following an introduction to the study, a table of the data and the three research questions, there is a set of 5 questions – you are required to answer all 5.
For each question, marks are awarded for the most appropriate presentation/analyses – it is important that any statistical analyses presented are discussed and related back to the data and the research questions. It is not sufficient simply to paste tables from SPSS without appropriate description. Any graphs or tables must be appropriately numbered and captioned. Finally, appendices containing extensive SPSS printouts will not be allowed.
A hypothetical study has taken place to compare two sets of electrophysiological thresholds (tone-pip ABR thresholds and ASSR thresholds – both in dB SPL) at two frequencies (1kHz & 4 kHz). Three groups of infants were used in the study and are grouped into three age groups (3 months, 27 months & 51 months). In addition to the thresholds, the RECDs at the two frequencies were also measured as it is expected that the size of the external auditory meatus may affect the measured thresholds.
The measured variables in the data set are (treat all as “scale” data): (1) Age of subject in months
(2) Tone-pip ABR threshold at 1 kHz (dB SPL) (3) Tone-pip ABR threshold at 4 kHz (dB SPL) (4) ASSR threshold at 1 kHz (dB SPL)
(5) ASSR threshold at 4 kHz (dB SPL) (6) RECD at 1 kHz (dB)
(7) RECD at 4 kHz (dB)
The data from the study are presented in the following table, with all the data relating to one subject on the same line. There are 30 subjects in total, with 10 in each age group. (The data are available in: Assignment Data Set 2014-15.sav)
Subject Age
Tone-pip ABR threshold
(dB SPL)
ASSR threshold
(dB SPL)
1 kHz 4 kHz 1 kHz 4 kHz 1 kHz 4 kHz
3 5 11 23 20 15 16
3 9 8 13 22 18 13
3 10 9 15 13 13 16
3 14 6 17 17 13 17
3 4 8 14 24 16 14
3 11 14 23 16 14 14
3 12 6 14 18 16 15
3 8 4 17 12 17 18
3 9 8 16 21 17 16
3 11 14 22 18 15 13
27 22 14 26 24 8 10
27 15 23 29 29 8 7
27 18 14 22 30 12 8
27 12 13 26 23 12 11
27 13 13 17 25 14 9
27 13 11 19 26 10 11
27 16 12 24 27 10 10
27 20 20 29 29 8 9
27 18 19 25 24 11 9
27 14 13 15 23 13 11
51 17 18 27 32 8 5
51 8 19 16 26 12 3
51 18 24 18 22 11 6
51 17 22 20 27 10 3
51 18 24 19 29 12 3
51 16 19 21 31 8 6
51 19 20 21 34 11 3
51 23 19 25 30 7 3
51 22 19 25 29 8 5
51 10 13 25 28 10 8
Research Questions
Prior to the start of the study 4 research questions were posed:
RQ1: For each frequency separately, does the Tone-pip ABR threshold differ across the three age groups?
RQ2: For each frequency separately, is the tone-pip ABR threshold related to the
RECD at that frequency (and what is the nature of this relationship)?
RQ3: If the RECD is used to correct both the tone-pip ABR thresholds and the ASSR thresholds to give the dB SPL at the eardrum, do the corrected thresholds differ across the three age groups?
Question 2 [400 words – 12 marks in total]
- Using a single graph, summarise the ABR and ASSR thresholds to allow comparison across the two frequencies and across the three age groups. Describe the main points that this graph shows.
- Produce a single table presenting relevant descriptive statistics that summarise the ABR and ASSR thresholds and allow comparison across frequency and age.
Explain how each of these statistics relates to the graph produced in 2a.
Question 3 [400 words – 12 marks in total]
- What is the null hypothesis for research question 1 (RQ1)?
- Explain what statistical test(s) you would use to answer this research question?
- Carry out this test(s) and explain the results and implications of this test?
Question 4 [400 words – 12 marks in total]
- Produce two separate graphs to show the relationship between ABR threshold and RECD at each of the two frequencies.
- Carry out appropriate statistical tests to investigate whether there are significant associations between these two variables (RQ2). Explain your findings.
Question 5 [400 words – 12 marks in total] Because of the smaller ear canals in the younger infants the actual ear-canal sound pressure level is higher (and thus the threshold lower) then those of older infants. Use the RECD to correct for the ear-canal size for both sets of ABR and ASSR thresholds.
- Using a single graph, summarise the ABR and ASSR thresholds to allow comparison across the two frequencies and across the three age groups (can be the same format as that used in 2a.)
- For each of the two frequencies and the two test methods (ABR & ASSR)
separately explain and carry out appropriate tests to investigate whether the corrected thresholds differ across the age groups (RQ3). Explain your findings.
Question 6 [200 words – 10 marks in total]
- Write a 200 word abstract that describes the key aspects of the data and the important findings of your statistical analyses.
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