Religion Essay Help

Religion Essay Help

1. Discuss what the “time” means and in what way it is a kind of sacred space.This would be easy to answer from the Sabbath, and “time” like Ramadan,.

2.  If “To perform is to conform,” then just what is the following ritual supposed to teach those who perform it?  How do you “read” or “decode” this ritual:We’ve discussed this in connection with the Hajj.

3. Often when groups think their “end of time” is approaching, they turn violent. Small “fringe” groups who are certain the end of the world is at hand have done great violence. Why? Why do those who believe the “end is near” often resort to terrorism?

4. Muhammad is described in Islam as the “seal of the Prophets” or “the last prophet of God.”  What does this mean, and what are its implications for Judaism? For the Baha’i? What are the implications for the teaching of Elijah Muhammad (and Louis Farrakhan)? Do you think this has some meaning for the status of the Gurus in the Sikh religion? The d’Costa book will help you here, too.

5. Can religion not be a group phenomenon? Aren’t Theravada Buddhist monks, for example, just doing things individually? Couldn’t the same be true for Vedanta Hindu yogis? Can you prove that religion is always a group thing?

6. Discuss the similarities and differences between the dietary laws in any two religions – not only whether the same foods are permitted/forbidden but why are these particular foods forbidden. The main choices here are Judaism and Rastafarianism, but if you know the Halal laws of Islam, you could use that as one, too.

7. Having completed “World Religions,” how do you define religion? Do you think there is something in common in all religions, at least something that makes them “religions?”Or is each religion its own unique entity?

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