Reality TV should be called Unreality TV

Paper details

Assignments must be typed, in 12pt. font (preferably Times New Roman or something equivalent), double-spaced, and in MS Word format (you may also post assignments in .rtf—Rich Text Format—if you’re using another program as that is accessible by Word).

Week # involves writing an Argumentation Essay. This does not mean that you will be arguing something in the conventional sense of argument. Rather, it is a way of persuading someone to believe or think about something the same way you do. For example, I think abortion is wrong, so I would write a paper trying to convince you that abortion is wrong. I would use evidence and information from other sources to convince you because this is not an opinion paper. Therefore, no personal pronouns are allowed. Read the required pages to fully understand the concept.

Write a 1,200-word essay arguing your side of one of the following topics: 1) Reality TV should be called Unreality TV.; 2) Sale of tobacco should be made illegal; 3) Random drug tests for high school students is a violation of human rights. Once you have chosen your topic, develop a strong thesis to indicate your belief about the subject. Then, following all the information you have read, write an Argumentation Essay and submit it as usual.

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