RE: Remediation Plan- 1 st Referral – Nursing Supplemental Standards

RE: Remediation Plan- 1 st Referral – Nursing Supplemental Standards

RE: Remediation Plan- 1 st Referral – Nursing Supplemental Standards


Dear kadiatu,


On November 25, 2015, you spoke with a University of Phoenix nursing

supplemental standards faculty administrator in accordance with the University’s

Policies and Procedures to consider the academic concerns specified in the

Notification of Referral letter sent to you, dated November 19, 2015.


After discussing the information surrounding the referral and in collaboration with

you, the following remediation plan was developed:

  • Create a 10-item annotated bibliography using peer-reviewed sources (no

older than five years from publication date) pertaining to academic honesty.

You can find samples of how to complete an annotated bibliography in the

Center for Writing Excellence at the following link:

  • Create a detailed action plan explaining how you will prevent plagiarism in

the rest of your program. The action plan should be specific as to the

methods, and resources you will use in preventing future instances of

plagiarism before, during and after writing assignments. The action plan

must be between 500-700 words in length and comply with APA format.

  • Please send the required items to Rita Nicely ( by

December 21, 2015.


Failure to meet the requirements of this remediation plan will result in another

referral and administrative review in which actions can be taken up to and including

withdrawal from the program. Your remediation plan is due 20 days from the date

on this letter.


Feel free to contact me with any questions or concerns.



  1. Jean Pickus, RN MSN

Online Regional Director of Academic Affairs

Acting Director of Academic Affairs (DAA)

College of Health Sciences and Nursing

University of Phoenix Online

cc: Academic Affairs file


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