Re-Phrase the following topic
I am submitting the assignment to prof , I want you to please re-phrase it however , i don’t want you to re-phrase it word by word .. but to make each paragraph have the same idea and same meaning but in different words. as if some other student wrote about this topic. so i hope you don’t re-phrase it word by word.
Thank you
1. What is being tested?
The main purpose of this study is to identify and produce a check sheet of all the defects present in every page of the student directory book. Using Pareto on excel to list and prioritize the problems accordingly. In the Pareto software large proportions of results are produced by few cause – therefore this is the 20:80 rule (“Pareto Analysis”)
The procedure of this test was focused on the student directory book. The group have choose 10 main defects and numbered the 10 defects according to the most costly and most visible by the reader.
2. What theory lies behind the test?
The theory aimed at categorizing the problems that are found in the directory book that depend on each error. The study also seeks to surface the fact that the smallest problem might cause the largest impact. Pareto thus seeks in to categorize problems according to their impacts or effects hence making it easier to identify priorities first. This makes it not only easy but also intellectual in that it provides the problems, which have to be solved first. According to, a Pareto chart separates and categorizes the major problems from the many possible problems. The second importance of Pareto is that it categorizes data in order of importance and desire hence surfacing the problems which require immediate response and remedy without trial and error (“Pareto Analysis”)
3.what are the educational gains and the outcomes expected from this?
The 80/20 rule draws it conclusion from the association of effects and variables in a large system. In a large system, the 80/20 rule indicates that 20 percent of the system variables are capable of generating 80 percent of the effects in the system. This rule seems valid in all large systems such as user interface design. This rule is also help us in large systems in management, economics, quality control, engineering, and thermodynamics among many other systems.
4. What is the importance of this test to our industry and what are its practical applications?
The system was first used in 1906 by Vilfredo Pareto, an Italian sociologist and economist. (Step-by-Step Guide to Using Pareto Analysis) He used it in describing the unequal distribution of Italian wealth where 80% of the wealth was owned by 20% of the people then. There are various ways in which the 80/20 rule works. One of the ways is that resources are always focused to realize greater results and the 20 % products must be identified that utilize this 80%. This 20% seeks to magnify utilization of the 80% in the available time. Another method of understanding the 80/20 rule is identifying the critical constituents of 20% of tested products features that produce 80% of the revenues. The 80/20 rule thus enables the tester to make informed decision on what should be redesigned, what should be downplayed or excluded and what scare resources must be invested in order to obtain the desired result. In order for to concentrate and optimize the design of a product to levels which yield positive returns the 80/rule is required. (Step-by-Step Guide to Using Pareto Analysis)
here is some links that could help you with the re-phrase
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