The question is related to the Marketing management. I need it in 6hrs in UAE time.

The question is related to the Marketing management. I need it in 6hrs in UAE time.

The importance of relationship marketing was highlighted in my career when I was working at a company, The Scientific Group, a medical equipment distributor in South- Africa. We had monthly targets, and we received a weekly report of where we were in achieving that target, both individually and as a department. Medical representatives form very strong relationships with their clients especially if you assist in theatre and spend hours standing next to your client in high-stress situations. I found it very interesting that when a representative resigned or were moved there was a dramatic decrease in sales in that department. This sharp decrease in sales could take a new representative up to six months to recover.

The question is related to the Marketing management. I need it in 6hrs in UAE time.


Samaha et al., states that from an international viewpoint, relationships are progressively becoming more significant, as well. Global trade accounts for 20% of ‘global gross domestic product’ (GDP). As commerce grows quickly across borderlines, companies and overseas consumers become more and more interweaved (Samaha et al., 2014)

Do you think an international company truly maintain relationships with their consumers?


Samaha, S.A & Beck, J.T & Palmatier, R.W. (2014)‘The Role of Culture in International Relationship Marketing’Journal ofMarketing., Vol. 78 Issue 5, p78-98. 21p. 1 Diagram, 8 Charts.DOI: 10.1509/jm.13.0185.[Online] available at 12/01/2014)

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