Proteomics report (Case study)
- We use a mix of six proteins to calibrate the instrument on a weekly basis. Using file LW_6mix_4_200fmol.pkl and searching in the Swissprot database on a QTOF instrument find the six proteins used in the calibration and locate the information for each as requested.
- What is the threshold score? ___________________________________________ (1 mark)
b: (2 marks each)
Protein: | |
Species: | |
Sequence coverage: | |
Protein score: | |
Protein Mass: | |
Calculated pI: | |
# peptides used in identification: |
Protein: | |
Species: | |
Sequence coverage: | |
Protein score: | |
Protein Mass: | |
Calculated pI: | |
# peptides used in identification: |
Protein: | |
Species: | |
Sequence coverage: | |
Protein score: | |
Protein Mass: | |
Calculated pI: | |
# peptides used in identification: |
Protein: | |
Species: | |
Sequence coverage: | |
Protein score: | |
Protein Mass: | |
Calculated pI: | |
# peptides used in identification: |
Protein: | |
Species: | |
Sequence coverage: | |
Protein score: | |
Protein Mass: | |
Calculated pI: | |
# peptides used in identification: |
Protein: | |
Species: | |
Sequence coverage: | |
Protein score: | |
Protein Mass: | |
Calculated pI: | |
# peptides used in identification: |
- What is your justification for selecting these 6 proteins? (2 marks)
- Ten proteins were found in a quantitative proteomic exploration of oral biofilms from healthy individuals and individuals with either gingivitis or periodontitis. Using the data provided draw a hive plot and find the answers to the following questions. You will need to build your own node and links files from the data provided.
Axes a = health (0/360°), b=gingivitis (120°), c=periodontitis (240°)
- Hive plot: (3 marks)
(insert here)
- Which protein is most abundant in gingivitis? (4 marks)
From what species does it come?
What is its biological function?
What mass does it have?
- Which protein is most abundant in periodontitis? (4 marks)
From what species does it come?
What is its biological function?
What mass does it have?
- Which species is most represented in the group of ten found? (1 mark)
- To which Socransky complex does it belong? (1 mark)
- What might the presence of this bacterium suggest? (2 marks)
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