proportion problem
proportion problem
Read the Ethical Behavior at Bayview case study and using this data set please provide a Managerial Report that includes the following:
1.Use descriptive statistics (compute the proportion of all students, male students, and female students that presented work copied off the internet as their own, copied answers off another studentâs exam, or collaborated with other students on projects that were supposed to be completed individually) to summarize the data and comment on your findings.
2.Develop 95% confidence intervals for the proportion of all students, the proportion of male students, and the proportion of female students who were involved in some type of cheating.
3.Conduct a hypothesis test to determine if the proportion of business students at Bayview University who were involved in some type of cheating is less than that of business students at other institutions as reported by the Chronicle of Higher Education.
4.Conduct a hypothesis test to determine if the proportion of business students at Bayview University who were involved in some form of cheating is less than that of nonbusiness students at other institutions as reported by the Chronicle of Higher Education.
5.What advice would you give to the dean based upon your analysis of the data? Give a few possible steps the dean could use to deal with the problem of cheating.
For ease in calculating your statistics, you can either hand enter the data into Excel or use the Student Webfile file Bayview from the Cengage website.
Write a report that includes an introduction, a body which answers the questions posed in the problem and a conclusion paragraph that addresses your findings and what you have determined from the data and your analysis.
Please include any tables of calculations and graphs associated with this problem in the body. The paper should be double-spaced using APA guidelines.
Submit your Excel file which will aid in grading if errors are found in the paper.
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