Professional Portfolio (Jaguar)
Professional Portfolio (Jaguar)
Assignment 2: Professional PortfolioThis assignment requires you to gather a compilation of papers
and projects from this course and previous courses and add them to
your Professional Portfolio. The portfolio is designed to help you
compile all you have learned throughout your undergraduate studies
with the best examples of your work to represent what you are
capable of doing when you graduate the program. This assignment
also gives you an opportunity to reflect on what you have learned
as a student of criminal justice, and to prepare to actualize
post-graduation goals. It will serve as a resource as you navigate
the world of prospective employers and graduate admissions
committees. The student portfolio is also a measure of
effectiveness for the Argosy University program in criminal
justice. The Professional Portfolio includes two main sections. A
Professional Profile section that is completed by all students with
either an Employment focus or a Graduate School focus, depending on
your post-baccalaureate plans. You worked on this section in
Modules 1 and 2. The second section holds your Professional Work
Samples demonstrating your abilities, skills, and competencies
across a range of tasks and objectives.The Professional Profile section summarizes your career planning
and professional goals. You have already compiled the documents for
this section in Modules 1 and 2 of this course. It contains the
following documents: •A Cover Letter as a way to introduce yourself
to a potential employer. This includes details about yourself and
why you feel you are qualified for the position (Employment).Or •A Personal Statement describing your immediate and long-term
career goals, including an explanation of why these goals are
appropriate in terms of your knowledge, skills, personal
characteristics, values, and experiences (Graduate School).Note: The personal statement is attached to the Curriculum Vitae
(Graduate School), and the Cover Letter is attached to the Resume
(Employment), so take the time to be creative and not repeat
yourself. •A Resume with list of References that is current,
accurate, and professional in appearance (Employment).OR •A Curriculum Vitae with list of References that is current,
accurate and professional in appearance. (Graduate School)
•Optional: A copy of your Transcript(s)The Professional Work Samples section demonstrates your
performance and mastery of Argosy University’s program
outcomes/competencies for the Criminal Justice major.You will work on this section of the portfolio for this module’s
assignment. Select 3–5 documents to serve as samples of your best
work in the program. Together, they should illustrate your mastery
of all the 7 program outcomes listed below. Examples of the type of
work that would illustrate each outcome are provided below, as
well. These documents should be samples of your work that you
completed in previous courses as an undergraduate student.These outcomes are listed below, along with the assignments that
could be included to demonstrate mastery of the outcome:
•Theoretical Foundations: Assignments, papers, or projects from
courses that demonstrate your ability to explain fundamental
concepts related to the criminal justice system, and to interpret
the historical foundations and contemporary theories associated
with the causes of crime, systems of social control, law
enforcement, judicial process, and correctional philosophies.
•Problem Solving Principles: Assignments or projects that apply
principles of scientific methodology in order to solve varied and
complex problems in the field of criminal justice. •Ethics: Papers
that demonstrate your understanding and/or analysis of how one
should ethically apply laws, policies, procedures, and operational
techniques to the investigation, detection, apprehension,
adjudication, and rehabilitation or punishment of criminal
offenders. •Research and Analysis: Assignments or projects that
demonstrate your ability to use basic research methods for
gathering, analyzing, and interpreting statistical data associated
with criminal activity, law enforcement, the judicial process, and
corrections. •Communication (written and oral): Papers,
presentation outlines, or slideshows that demonstrate your written
and oral communication skills. •Information Literacy: Assignments,
papers, or projects from courses that demonstrate your ability to
use information to enhance operational performance, aid in
strategic planning, predict crime trends, and promote personal
safety. •Diversity and Interpersonal Effectiveness: Assignments,
papers, or projects from courses that demonstrate your ability to
analyze and apply skills of interpersonal effectiveness in a
criminal justice setting using observation, active listening, and
questioning; and your ability to evaluate the strengths and
weaknesses of a diverse society and manage social problems and
interpersonal conflict with due respect for race, ethnicity,
gender, religion, culture, economic status, and lifestyle.Once you have assembled your work samples, you will write a
700–1000-word narrative to serve as a preface to the Professional
Work Samples section. This narrative should consist of a clear and
thoughtful analysis of how each work sample reveals your strengths
and areas for improvement, according to each of the seven areas
addressed in the program outcomes/competencies (listed above). Make
sure you also address how you intend to strengthen your
competencies in all areas as you graduate onto the next step of
your professional career. On which areas will you focus most and
why?This preface should also include an evaluation of the Criminal
Justice program as well as suggestions for the program that will
enable it to help future Criminal Justice majors develop these
strengths and overcome these weaknesses in the future.Enter each of these components (Professional Profile,
Professional Work Samples, with self- evaluation) into the
Professional Profile Template. Post your Professional Portfolio to
the M4: Assignment 2 Dropbox by Wednesday, May 2, 2015Assignment 2 Grading CriteriaMaximum PointsCompiled all the elements of the Portfolio using the template,
in a neat and professional manner. Included at least 3 work samples
which address all seven Program Outcomes.20Submitted a 700–1000-word, clear and thoughtful analysis of how
each of the work samples reveal your strengths and areas for
improvement, according to each of the seven areas addressed in the
program outcomes/competencies.30Addressed how you intend to strengthen your competencies in all
areas as you graduate and which areas you would focus most on, and
why.15Included an evaluation of the Criminal Justice program along
with suggestions to enable it to help future Criminal justice
majors develop these strengths and overcome these weaknesses in the
future.15Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated
ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of
sources; displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation.20Total: 10
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