The Department of State Health Services is seeking more information from your organization to verify you meet the requirements specified in the Home and Community Based Services-Adult Mental Health Open Enrollment (OE).
Our findings indicate your application remains incomplete. Applicant needs to ensure that they have both a policy and procedure in place for all the items notated in the Open Enrollment.
Below you will find some useful information to help you format the content of your policies and procedures. Also, please see attached template for an example of how to format your policies and procedures.
Policies are your rules and guidelines that ensure consistency and compliance with the HCBS-AMH program
– Your HCBS-AMH Policies should address:
- what the Policy is
- who is responsible for the execution and enforcement of the Policy, and
- why the Policy is required.
Procedures define the specific instructions necessary to perform a task or part of a Process.
– Your HCBS-AMH Procedures should detail:
- who performs the Procedure,
- what steps are performed,
- when the steps are performed, and
- how the Procedure is performed.
Update on the HCBS-AMH program: The 84th Legislature directed DSHS to expand HCBS-AMH to divert populations with serious mental illness (SMI) from jails and emergency departments (ED) into community treatment programs. Providers that contract with DSHS are now able to choose which population(s) they serve.
} Long-term psychiatric hospitalization
} Jail Diversion
} Emergency Department Diversion
For an individual to qualify to receive a referral into the program they must meet 1 of the 3 criteria below:
- For Jail Diversion:
– During the three years prior to their referral, an individual must have:
o two or more psychiatric crises (i.e., inpatient psychiatric hospitalizations and/or crisis episodes requiring outpatient mental health treatment), and
o repeated discharges from correctional facilities (i.e., three or more).
- For Emergency Department Diversion:
– During the three years prior to their referral, an individual must have:
o a history of inpatient psychiatric hospitalizations or outpatient mental health crisis episodes, and
o a pattern of frequent utilization of the emergency department (ED) (i.e., fifteen or more total ED visits)
- For Long-term Hospitalization
– During the five years prior to their referral, an individual must have:
o Spent three or more cumulative or consecutive years in an inpatient psychiatric setting
Questions for your response:
– Please identify the population(s) you intend on serving? (Extended tenure, Frequent arrests, Frequent ED visits)
– How long have you been a provider of mental health services?—-THIS IS MY FIRST CONTRACT, i HAVE NEVER BEEN A PROVIDER BUT HAVE WORKED IN MENTAL HOSPITAL
– What types of services do you currently provide?
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