Pilot error and an analysis technique called Human Error Identification
Pilot error and an analysis technique called Human Error Identification
Research Paper Guidelines and Rubric
A research paper is required for successful completion of this course and constitutes 35% of your final course grade.
Students will prepare a 10- to 15-page research paper using current American Psychological Association (APA) style standards on any topic related to accident investigation. Unless otherwise directed, the paper is due the first day of Module 8. Use a standard file type (.doc or .docx) and save the file as your lastname_paper (e.g., lawin_paper.doc) and submit it as an attachment via the respective link in Module 8.
Exact length isn’t as important as quality, substance, and style. However, a 7- or 8-page paper isn’t going to provide enough information on the subject. Avoid military jargon, etc., and write to an academic audience.
Topics can range from things that cause accidents to devices that help find clues. These could be issues of icing, metal fatigue, aircraft systems, CFIT, cockpit and data recorders, etc. For ideas, look at the topic headings in the text and see where you can go with one of them. Make sure your subject has more references than just one military publication. If you have any questions, your Instructor will be more than happy to work with you on selecting a subject to research.
You may not write about a previous accident. Since the report on the accident is already completed, there isn’t much research that can be accomplished. The idea of a paper is to distill down various resources into your own words. However, you may use a previous accident(s) as an example of a subject you are writing about. If you have an idea which really interests you regarding a previous accident, bounce it off your Instructor via Send Email before posting your topic choice to the forum.
You CANNOT use a paper written and submitted for a previous or other course. That’s called recycling.
You must have resources, references, and citations. No single sources. The writing must be informative and objective.
Your first paper submission is the one that is graded. Sorry, but time doesn’t allow for edits or rough drafts so be sure to write, edit, and review before you submit the paper.
There are no extensions on the paper. Any paper received after the due date is graded down at least two grade points per day. Sorry folks, but we have many weeks to do this job. Part of an academic course is time management. Please contact your Instructor early if a major problem arises in your life that mandates a personal discussion.
Pictures (which don’t go in the body of the paper with text) are not considered part of the length requirement.
Students may write on a similar subject. By all means share resource locations; however, don’t co-write or cut and paste and rip off some author’s words without credit. That’s a major academic felony. Let’s not go there because it’s not a good place!
Your Instructor will evaluate your paper based on this rubric:
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