Periodontal Diseases: A New Paradigm
I attached an article ” Periodontal Diseases: A New Paradigm”, which is the subject of my essay. It needs to be 4 pages (2 pages Written+ 2 pages synopsis).
DH R001 Pre-Dental Hygiene
- Purpose/underlying idea:
- Principle concepts within the contents of the chapter(s) that help support the purpose
- Principle #1
- Principle #2 (etc.)
- Information most relevant to the principle and/or concept
- Principle #1
- Principle #2 (etc.)
- Given A, B, and C of the assignment, list 5 multiple choice questions and their answers that you might include in a test to determine knowledge and understanding of the content. These questions should be in a different document than sections A, B, and C but sent at the same time.
- Question #1
- Question #2
- Question #3
- Question #4
- Question #5
- Write a two page synopsis of the article this assignment was based on.
This complete written assignment must be handed in at the time stated in the Syllabus
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