How Parenting And Education Affect Asian-American Adolescent Immigrants' Ethnic Identity Focusing On The Immigrants In U.S

A Critical Review of Scholarly Literature (18%):
You are required to incorporate and critique a body of scholarly literature. The format (Rubin & Rubin, 2005) is as follows:

Part I: Introduction and General Statement of the Problem. Introduction orients the reader to the topic and previews what is to follow (about half a page). General Statement of the Problem section describes the topic and explains its significance. You can answer these questions: What do you mean by the topic? Why is it interesting to you? In what way is it significant? Is it theoretically intriguing or practically significant? Are there theoretical or practical issues remaining to be resolved? You could argue for the significance of the topic by stating how unique your research is and what kind of theoretical and/or practical contribution your research is likely to make (about one page). (1.5%)

Part II. Synthesis of Literature: Synthesize all the references to inform the reader of current status of knowledge on the topic. Then, identify relationships, gaps, contradictions and inconsistencies among the sources. You could choose to use a given organizational strategy on the basis of the kind of problem you have chosen to examine. Some of the strategies are Problem-Cause-Solution Order, General-to-Specific Order, Known-to-Unknown Order, Comparison-and-Contrast Order, Specific-to-General Order, Topical Order, and Chronological Order. (If can, list and analyze the case studies individually from the sources) (5%)

Part III. Evaluation of Literature: Critique the validity and reliability of the body of literature in light of given philosophical, theoretical, practical, logical, ethical and/or methodological perspectives. Identify research directions by posing research questions which are still unanswered or poorly answered in the field. (5%)

Part IV: Develop your research questions and/or research hypotheses on the basis of the above critique. It consists of statement of the hypotheses and/or research questions each followed by a brief elaboration and justification. (5%)

Part V. References. (1.5%)
Technical errors such as spelling, grammatical, style documentation, and structural errors will account for up to 3% of the total assignment. See Grading Rubrics for this assignment.

The intro part will upload later. Please revise it according to the lit. review.

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