Your organisation requires you to produce a 5000 word report which documents the implementation of a Moodle learning environment and your interpretation of the implementation of a "MOOC" using the Moodle.

2 Task description
Your organisation requires you to produce a 5000 word report which documents the implementation of a Moodle learning environment and your interpretation of the implementation of a “MOOC” using the Moodle. That report should provide evidence of the following intermediate steps:
1] Moodle appearance: Modify the name of the Moodle to your full name e.g “RobertCherry”. Change the default logo of the Moodle to an image of you. Adjust some aspects of the Moodle template to match the colour scheme of your image. This is simply to demonstrate the extent of control you have with a view to matching the brand image of your organisation..
2] Moodle reuse of eLearning material: One of your senior line managers has extolled the virtue of the “SCORM” standard for eLearning. That manager wishes to see how a SCORM package can be used within a Moodle. Find two examples of Copyright free packages on the internet and install both as an individual unit. Document this within your final report highlighting issues and strengths of this approach
3] Moodle capability: Create a third Unit/course called “Sandpit”. In this unit, create:
a} A forum (with forced subscription)
b} A multiple choice test with three example questions. Include an image in one of the questions.
c} A resource whereby an assessment (a written assignment) can be uploaded.

The unit area should be populated with 100 fabricated” student names. Two Teaching roles” should be associated with the names in this unit:
Bob Cherry
Peter McKenna.
Your final report must include key screenshots of the above utilities in operation. Furthermore, the operation of the Moodle “Gradebook” should also be highlighted for the above unit.
4] Moodle extension: A final fourth unit/course should be created. The same students and staff should be enrolled onto this unit. The unit should be called “MOOC”.
A senior member of the executive is aware of the training implication of the thousands of staff working for the organisation. Apart from routine content delivery and rudimentary assessment, this executive wants the organisation to make best use of peer review to engage staff in discussions beyond the virtual classroom and sees the MOOC as a tool that can be instrumental in his quest.
Health and safety. His vision is for an assessment that teaches, informs and promotes Health, Safety and Legal issues and then uses peer review to raise the consciousness of these issues throughout the workforce.
For this unit area on your Moodle you must do the following:
a} Create a basic MOOC based on the Moodle with peer review tools that are appropriate to MOOC operation.
b} Demonstrate and document in the report the peer review process as it would operate.
c} Validation of the peer review process. Although the director is aware of the benefits of peer review, he is also adamant that the peer review final marks have actual value and that cooperating “groups” do not “game the system”. It is also recognised that when this Health and Safety site goes live, over ten thousand staff worldwide will be engaging in the unit every year. Formal grading systems with feedback are seen to be “beyond the scope of the current resource”.

3. Support learning resources
An evaluation of peer review validation methods will require extensive research on current thinking. Resource will include academic publication and internet resources. The balance of these resources will have to be judged carefully in order to justify arguments.
The unit specific forum (in the 6G6Z2001 area – NO OTHER!) will be used to openly discuss both the Moodle implementation and grow awareness of one feature of peer support in a learning environment. The forum will not always be used to give direct answers but is there to stimulate discussion about the tasks in hand.

4. Deliverables
Final Report (Summative)
The final report should be an analytical account of work undertaken by you structured into sections in accordance with each of the tasks outlined above. The intention is that each section is self-contained and aimed at the “interested party”. The total size of the report should slightly exceed 5000 words. Screenshots of key areas of your Moodle deployment should be used throughout the document.
The report should use 11 or 12 point Arial/Times New Roman, 1.5 line spacing and make use of the Faculty standard referencing system (Harvard). There is a demand that references are current, this area of technology is quickly moving.

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