One Hundred Years of Solitude
One Hundred Years of Solitude
Research Questions
Using Colombia as the country and the book of One Hundred years of solitude by Gabriel Garcia Marquez a Colombian writer; as he uses his book’s story to describe Colombia’s social and government development answer the following questions in this research paper:
1. What are the principal political, economic, and social factors that led to the establishment of democracy in your country of choice? Depending on the country you select you might address things like the role of the armed forces, labor unions, political parties, and even international pressures. You should also examine the state of the economy at the time of transition. Who were the main groups pushing for democracy? Who were the ones resisting? Why is it that eventually liberal democracy won out in your country?
2. What were the main political, economic and social challenges that your country has faced since becoming democratic? How did they address these challenges? Did your country opt for “neoliberal” reform? If so, what were the results? Did your country opt for a “neopopulist” approach? If so what are the results?
3. What is the current state of democracy in your selected country? Make sure to establish a set of indicators to demonstrate progress or regression. In other words, how can you tell that your country is a stable democracy or is still an incipient democratic state? Can your country still be considered democratic? Why or why not?
4. Finally, where do you think your country is headed? What are the prospects for the future in terms of democracy, economic growth, and social stability. Do you see democracy in your country becoming institutionalized and stable or is it likely to collapse? What are the factors that will contribute to the direction you have identified?
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