Objectification of women in Donne’s poetry
Objectification of women in Donne’s poetry
Value: 15% of your final grade
You will write a 2000-2250 word (8-9 page), double-spaced research paper on the work of one of the following writers we are studying this term: Geoffrey Chaucer (The Miller’s Tale), John Donne (selected poems, primarily ones we study in class), John Milton (Paradise Lost), Aphra Behn (Oroonoko), or Jonathan Swift (Gulliver’s Travels).
As this is a research paper, you must read and employ at least two secondary sources in your paper, and these sources must be peer-reviewed sources. These two sources must be from the last 10 years (i.e. since 2004); you may still use older sources, but at least two of your sources must be relatively recent. You will determine your own topic and thesis, and use these critical sources to support the development of your argument. I suggest you consult the critical sources early, as some familiarity with contemporary critical debates on these texts will help you determine a topic.
About two weeks before the paper is due (one week in the case of Swift), you will submit either a 100-word abstract, or a brief annotated bibliography of two of your critical sources. An abstract is a single-paragraph description of what your topic will be, what the thesis of your essay is, and will include some reference to both your primary text and at least one of your critical sources, as well as a Works Cited that includes your primary text and the critical source. Think of the abstract as almost a preliminary first paragraph. An annotated bibliography is a preliminary Works Cited, in proper MLA format, that includes 5-6 sentence summaries of your two critical sources. The writing of abstracts and annotated bibliographies will be covered in tutorial as the deadlines approach. The purpose of the abstracts and annotated bibliographies is to give you the opportunity to receive feedback on your topic and thesis, and / or your critical sources, before you proceed with the essay. Also, unlike other assignments, you may integrate parts of your abstract / annotated bibliography into your final paper without penalty; in fact, you are encouraged to do so.
The standard late submission penalty of 1/3 of a letter grade per day applies to this assignment, and this applies as well to the abstract / annotated bibliography. That is, penalties for late submission of the abstract / annotated bibliography will apply to the paper. So an abstract submitted two days late will result in a grade penalty of 2/3 of a letter grade to the final paper, just as if the paper were submitted late. The abstract / annotated bibliography will not be given a grade per se, but if what is submitted is determined to be unacceptable, then late penalties will apply until an acceptable submission is received. Abstracts / annotated bibliographies will be submitted in tutorial; they will be returned, two days later and with comments, in lecture.
Your paper must conform to MLA format. As English 340 requires prerequisites at the 200-level, we are going to assume you are familiar with MLA format, though feel free to consult with your teaching assistant if you have any questions.
topic: Objectification of women in Donne’s poetry
3 personas of john donne: courtly lover, Jack donne, etc
specific analysis of women in these poems based on line-by-line reference
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