No Fly ListThe No Fly List is created and maintained by the US government’s
Terrorist Screening Center (TSC) to screen those individuals who
are not permitted to travel in a commercial aircraft within or
outside the United States (Ross, 2010).The No Fly List is different from the Terrorist Watch List,
which is a much bigger list of people suspected of involvement in
terrorist acts (Ross, 2010).Nevertheless, the No Fly List has been criticized on grounds of
violating civil liberties and on due process grounds, due, in part,
to the potential for ethnic, religious, economic, political, or
racial profiling and discrimination (Friscolanti & Patriquin,
2008, p. 50).In addition, the No Fly List contains the names of people who
are dead, prisoners, and at least 1,000 duplicate names—that is,
people with similar names as those on the No Fly List are stopped
for questioning when they have no nexus with terrorism (Donnelly,
2004, p. 17).Tasks:Prepare a 3- to 4-page report to answer the following questions:
•Do you consider the No Fly List as discriminatory in nature and
violating an individual’s civil rights? Why? •Do you agree with the
statement, “the No Fly List is one of the best lines of defense”
(Ross, 2010)? Why? •Do you agree to the statement, “the No Fly List
is costly, prone to false positives, and easily defeated” (Ross,
2010)? Why?References:Donnelly, S. B. (2004, October). Should the No-Fly List be
grounded? Time, 16, p. 17. Retrieved from ,
995387,00.htmlFriscolanti, M., & Patriquin, M. (2008). Caught in the
no-fly web. Maclean’s, 121(37), 50–52.Ross, B. (2010). Why no-fly? Nightline ABC, p.1–1.Maximum PointsAnalyzed the discriminatory nature of the No Fly List with
respect to civil rights and provided reasons for supporting the
views. 40Analyzed whether the No Fly List is one of the best lines of
defense against terrorist attacks. 24Analyzed whether the No Fly List is costly, prone to false
positives, and easily defeated. 16Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated
ethical scholarship in the accurate representation and attribution
of sources; and displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and
punctuation. 20Total: 100

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