Music Quiz : Native Americans A++

Music Quiz : Native Americans A++


1Musical sounds are written as
A) notes B) lines C) clefs D) spaces

2. Rhythmic notation indicates the _______ duration of a note or
A) specific B) proportional

3. In Western music, an accent usually falls on the _____ beat of a
A) first B) second C) third D) last

4. Pitch refers to the _____ of a musical sound
A) highness or lowness B) loudness or softness C) intensity D)

5. The distance between tones is called a(n)
A) interval B) scale C) motive D) rest

6. Harmony is _____ included in European and American (Western)
A) rarely B) never C) generally D) always

7. Traditionally, Indian culture has been passed from one
generation to the next by
A) oral tradition B) formal schooling C) written stories D)

8. Native American music is essentially
A) vocal with supporting instruments B) instrumental with
supporting voices

9. The most common and widespread music instruments of Native
Americans are
A) drums B) rasps C) rattles D) trumpets

10. The primary melodic instrument of the Native Americans is
A) drum B) flute C) whistle D) trumpet

11. Another term for responsorial singing is
A) echoing B) imitation C) call and response D) oral tradition

12. . When all voices sing the same note at the same time, they are
said to be singing in
A) harmony B) unison

13. The Plain Indians’ singing style is
A) low-pitched and controlled in tone B) high-pitched, tense in
quality, and harsh in tone C) medium-pitched and whispered D)

14. The Protestant Reformation was initiated by the protests of
A) John Calvin B) Pope Gregory I C) Louis Bourgeois D) Martin

15. The text of a hymn is
A) taken directly from the Bible B) a freely written religious poem
C) a psalm D) taken from the Ten Commandments

16. Unaccompanied choral singing is called _______ style.
A) folk B) strophic C) vernacular D) a cappella

17.  The text of a psalm tune is
A) paraphrased from the Bible B) a freely written religious poem C)
never sung D) written in Latin or Greek

18. The words and sometimes melodies of psalm tunes are printed in
books called
A) hymnals B) Bibles C) psalters D) collections

19. Art that is characterized by restraint is referred to as
____________ in style.
A) Classical B) Romantic C) Modern D) Renaissance

20. The African-American songs which accompanied rhythmic tasks
like rowing, hoeing or chopping trees are called ______
A) work songs B) field hollers C) ring shouts

21. ________________ was the first American to have produced a book
of tunes all of his own composition.
A) William Billings B) Paul Revere C) Thomas Jefferson D) Daniel

22. Each voice enters in turn, singing the same melody. The
resulting combination of tones produces attractive harmonies. This
is a definition of ___________.
A) fuging tunes B) canon C) anthem D) lining out

23. The American credited with having written the first art song
(in the New World) as well as being the first Secretary of the Navy
was ____________________________.
A) Thomas Jefferson B) George Washington C) Francis Hopkinson D)
Benjamin Franklin

24. Which of the following does NOT apply to Benjamin Franklin?
A) played musical instruments B) composed concert music C) invented
the “armonica” D) wrote verses to music

25. The first American military bands establishe during the
Revolutionary War consisted of ______________________________.
A) pipe and tabor B) ham and beans C) fifes and drums D) trumpets
and horns1. Musical sounds are written as

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